Published Jul 8, 2015
138 Posts
Anyone starting this class in August 2015? Or anyone who just took this class who could provide me with information regarding the new format? Difficulty of class? Does it have a heavy workload? Any info is appreciated! Thanks!!:)
nurselindah, BSN, RN
111 Posts
I am starting this class in August-I hope it's not a heavy workload-last semester nearly killed me.
What do you think so far?I think its ok not too bad...
What did you take last semester?
25 Posts
I'm in the class that started 8/10. So far it's not too bad, although I was denied for the first article I submitted (but that was my own fault). I hate that we can't see what we were marked off for on the assignments before we make our second attempt, but so far it's nothing worse than any other class I've taken at UTA. I'm sure glad they changed the format from the group work format I heard about!
I as well started on 8/10. Hope you found an article for submission. Well we are half way there now! Looking at the modules, it seems like a good format and reasonable assignments. However, I can see why the format before did not work; it would be hard doing this assignments in groups; Individualized work is much better!
Good luck to you, feel free to post on this thread if you have any questions in regards to the assignments😊
41 Posts
I took research over the summer at UTA and just finished a couple weeks ago. At first it seemed worse than it actually was, it was a heavy reading load and to be honest I gave up thouroughly reading and re-reading the chapters after week 2, I made sure to know the definitions and major concepts and read the articles and quizlets that she provided and I did fine. The biggest assignment was the research paper in APA format with title page, reference page and 4 resources, but she makes it pretty clear and easy to follow. If you use the example article and use the rubric, you'll be fine. Then you have to complete a visual aid to go with it, basically just copying some of the facts from your article over into a prezi or powerpoint, it didn't take long. Make sure to read all of the media articles that she posts and check out the quizlets that she provides because several of her quiz questions come directly from the articles and quizlets. Also if you have the same professor she gives a lot of hints and info for the quizzes in her OOH every week. It wasn't my favorite class, but it's not too bad, I'm glad it's over! Good luck!
I took Care of Vulnerable Populations! It was very time consuming for the first three weeks.
17 Posts
Danilu14, I will be taking Research later this fall. Were there any particular weeks in the Research course where the work was somewhat heavier than the others? Is the research paper due at the end of the fifth week or at some other time? Thank you for your tips above but would also appreciate it if you would share your thoughts regarding my additional questions.
Thanks Danilu! I turned in the paper yesterday and like you said did the presentation in a couple of hours! I just have one more quiz and I m done with this course! I actually enjoyed this class, not too bad! :)
The research paper is due on week 4, and the power point presentation is due on week 5. You choose the article you will write your paper on week2. I worked ahead; I started my paper on week 2-worked for a couple of hours.. Added the APA format to my word document and read several articles and choose my other 3 sources etc., on week 3 I wrote the paper. If you have an extra day off my suggestion is to work ahead.
Thank you. Your comments are very helpful.