Published Sep 11, 2014
4 Posts
Hi I am wondering about any other affordable insurance options any of you may be able to suggest? I have looked into the student health care insurance through my school. Unfortunately my school will not partner with this provider next year. So I will have to find affordable healthcare insurance...
The AHA is not affordable for me, so the school insurance was ideal.
loving2024, BSN, RN
347 Posts
ehealth insurance! !!
Thanks for this site. I checked, it's as expensive as AHA. Would be grateful for any other suggestions!
nope. .did you check the short term insurance because thats what you really need for school
40 Posts
Try Proliability. I had to get private insurance as an RN and it was only about $120 for the whole year. Covers me as NP student as well.
NICUmiiki, DNP, NP
1,775 Posts
Sounds like you're talking about professional insurance. The OP is looking for health insurance.
kbrn2002, ADN, RN
3,930 Posts
I feel for you, in WI the so called Affordable Health Care Act = not so affordable at all! Thank goodness I continue to have decent coverage through work. My daughter and son-in-law don't and signed up for health insurance through the government program to avoid the tax penalties. They dropped it within 6 months after realizing the cost vs level of coverage was so high that the tax penalties for not being insured were acceptable to them.
classicdame, MSN, EdD
7,255 Posts
I would call the registrar's office first, to see whom they will be recommending. They will be getting this question a lot, so may hve something to suggest.
Next, I woiuld look for a general inisurance agen who represents more than one company. They may have a broader scope of service.
If none of this works, I would go with the lowest premium and highest deductible, and then hope you never need it. The Obama thing was obviously a bust.
368 Posts
a few years ago we had a private health insurance plan through Blue Cross Blue Shield. It was very affordable and good coverage. I haven't priced lately though because we have good coverage through my husbands job. I put in our info to the ACA website just for kicks to see what it would cost us and it was so much more than we pay now (even after our premiums went up due to the ACA)