Remington College of Nursing - Orlando

U.S.A. Florida


has anyone enrolled in the inaugural accelerated bsn class that started january 2009? what are your impressions so far?

thank you,


Specializes in Tele.
Actually it was a total of twelve candidates taking the nclex in Florida in the first two quarters of this year from January through June. Well if you go to the state board of nursing then to the nclex quarterly pass rates for RNs, it breaks it down into more detail giving you the number of candidates and the number that passed and failed, then overall percent for the quarter as well as the year to date, which is what I was looking at to get the total number of students attempting the nclex. Here it is:

that's actually pretty good!

Other schools have only 4 candidates and 2 of them fail!

Hello and yes I've checked this school out thoroughly and wonder why they would want my finger prints. Only once in my life have I needed to give anyone my fingerprints and that was for child care in my home. You do have to jump through many hoops, such as letters of recommendation from two people, but it has to be done on their forms. Also your prereqs have to be completed and not through a school that runs quarterly. Yes, I was told that it was a rigorous program and that you are promising to the school that you will not be working while you are attending their classes. All of this would make sense to me if the cost was in line with other RN programs, but now their BSN is $36,000 which makes me all the more concerned. It's up to the individual. I will have to go another route due to the cost, but if I should come into some money shortly I would invest in this program.


after reading the comments on this website (positive and negative) i've decided to post about my own experience at remington. i'm currently in my 3rd quarter, having started in january 2010. my original background was a business degree, and i had no prior healthcare experience. just to give you a little info about our class - about half are local and half are from out of town. we started with 41 students and now have 33 for various reasons, but that's about right on target for the typical 20% rate of students who start nursing programs and do not complete them.

of course there are ups and downs as with any school, but overall i have absolutely loved my experience at remington so far. i have made some great life long friends and gotten to experience more than i had ever hoped for during clinicals. i also feel like i have learned so much in the 9 months that i have been here. for me, the 1st quarter was the most challenging and it has gotten progressively easier since then. during the 1st quarter, there were definitely nights when i only slept a few hours before tests and during finals week, but i haven't needed to do that in the 2nd or 3rd quarter. i don't know my exact gpa, but it is over 3.5 and there are lots of other students with higher gpas than me.

if any of you are thinking of coming to remington, i would definitely recommend it. if you have any questions, please feel free to post them...

Happy Nurse to Be,

Thank you for sharing. I have been thinking about applying to the program, but there seem to be some mixed reviews about the program. I do have one question though. The program is very expensive and I know that you cannot receive pell grants on a second bachelors degree, so I was curious as to how students make up the cost for what loans don't cover. A payment plan I assume??

I have an interview here in 2 weeks for the Jan 2011 start. Wish me luck!

Hello! :)

I'm currently a junior at Remington College. This message board is filled with a lot of false negativity. The program is intense, but manageable. I am very pleased with my experience, so far. Breathe easy, people. Don't make your opinion on the school, based on a few people's posts. If you have any questions, just message me.

And to answer someone's question, the fingerprints are used for hospital purposes. EVERY nursing student has to get a background check done before working at a hospital.


Good luck Tina! Hopefully I will have one soon! I mailed my application in today! :D I am glad to hear that there are current students there that are happy! I gets a little nerve racking when you read so much negative things! Thanks for the encouragement!! :yeah:

Happy Nurse to Be,

Thank you for sharing. I have been thinking about applying to the program, but there seem to be some mixed reviews about the program. I do have one question though. The program is very expensive and I know that you cannot receive pell grants on a second bachelors degree, so I was curious as to how students make up the cost for what loans don't cover. A payment plan I assume??

Paying for the program was a major stressor for me also. There are no grants available to my knowledge, but there is a federal loan that everyone in the program receives for $18,500. Outside of that, there are companies like Wells Fargo & Sallie Mae that you can get additional loan money from. Its easier and you get a lower interest rate if you have a cosigner, but I got a Sallie Mae Smart Option Student loan (you do have to pay interest for this one while in school) to cover the difference with no cosigner. The cost is expensive, but I think it's worth it and the extra money that you have potential to make as a nurse will make up for the cost.

And as for the negative posts on here...

They are pretty much all from the same person, who obviously just had a terrible experience. If that person spent more time studying and less time complaining on blogs, they may have had a better experience with this program. It is hard work, but it is manageable and it gets progressively easier as you go along. Plus, you get a BSN in nursing at an accredited school in one year. Good Luck!

Thank you for the information. I sent all of my application materials in, but haven't heard anything yet. :chair: I suppose they may still be waiting on my finger prints to come back. I fortunately have been thinking about doing this for some time, and have saved some money, so that should help some. Thanks for the information on the alternative loans. Hopefully I will be able to figure something out! I'm glad you like the program. It seems like there is a ton of negativity, but it seems people don't understand that there will be hiccups in new programs. I was shocked at the amount of complaining over the HESI exam. :uhoh3: All of the accelerated BSN programs I have looked into require it! If you didn't know any better you would think Remington was the only school! Sad! The school has high NCLEX pass rates, so they must be doing something right! Thanks for all the insight! I hope to hear something soon!! :D

Has anyone been accepted to the Jan 2011 class yet? I thought they were supposed to be making early decisions by the first of Oct, but maybe not. I submitted my application a few weeks ago and got an email saying the are processing applications still. I was just curious as to if anyone has been accepted yet and if so what the process is.


Has anyone been accepted to the Jan 2011 class yet? I thought they were supposed to be making early decisions by the first of Oct, but maybe not. I submitted my application a few weeks ago and got an email saying the are processing applications still. I was just curious as to if anyone has been accepted yet and if so what the process is.


I submitted my application back in April and am extremely disappointed with this school. I had my interview already for the Jan 2011 class. They won't announce any acceptance until the first week of December. I was very surprised to hear that they now require the TEAS which is absolutely ridiculous (I should have been "grandfathered" in) since my application was submitted long before this requirement (I was told that I DID NOT have to take they are telling me that I have to by November.) For someone who already has a Masters degree I don't see why I should have to take the TEAS for a second bachelors degree especially since my GPA for both undergrad and grad are significant (not to mention my experience, awards, etc.). The ONLY reason why I applied to this school in the first place was because they didn't require the TEAS.

Oh! They told me that they had all my references back in they tell me they only have one in my file so apparently they lost my references.

I feel like I have been deceived and I WOULD NEVER RECOMMEND THIS SCHOOL TO ANYONE.

Thank you for the information. I sent all of my application materials in, but haven't heard anything yet. :chair: I suppose they may still be waiting on my finger prints to come back. I fortunately have been thinking about doing this for some time, and have saved some money, so that should help some. Thanks for the information on the alternative loans. Hopefully I will be able to figure something out! I'm glad you like the program. It seems like there is a ton of negativity, but it seems people don't understand that there will be hiccups in new programs. I was shocked at the amount of complaining over the HESI exam. :uhoh3: All of the accelerated BSN programs I have looked into require it! If you didn't know any better you would think Remington was the only school! Sad! The school has high NCLEX pass rates, so they must be doing something right! Thanks for all the insight! I hope to hear something soon!! :D

Supposedly they won't let you take the NCLEX unless you pass the HESI. They prevent you from getting your degree and from taking the NCLEX unless you pass the HESI with a certain score (as so I've heard). This is why they have NCLEX pass rates that "look" good because ofcourse those who don't pass the HESI are not in the statistics for NCLEX. For those who can't pass the HESI, I assume they wasted about $40k and won't get their degree (too many horror stories) or the ability to take the NCLEX. Anyone feel free to add any information or correct me if I'm wrong.

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