Remember me? the pregnant nursing student? well, i'm pregnant no more! :)

Nursing Students General Students


I had my baby :) April 13th. 8 pounds, 11 ounces. 21 inches. 10 hours of labor, 9 minutes of pushing.

Personally, i think she is just the cutest baby ever. Let me tell you though, this has been the biggest un-motivator for school. School is soooo the farthest thing from my mind right now. Good thing I am almost done!

........her name is Charlotte.

A traditional name- That is a breath of fresh air!

Congrats on your new daughter!

charlotte didn't want to miss your grad day....congrats

Specializes in Gynecology/Oncology.

Congratulations! Sounds like you couldn't have timed it better! Enjoy your baby! :balloons:

Congratulations, that is fantastic. I'm very proud of you :yeah: Good luck with finals, and your future with Charlotte :balloons:

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