Relocating to Beantown


Specializes in Cardiac Stepdown.

Hi there, I currently live in WV (small town girl) planning on relocating to Boston. I've been looking at some of the hospitals outside of the city and was wondering if anyone has any info or input?? I have almost 4yrs experience in a cardiac stepdown unit, teaching hospital. If anyone has any info I would greatly appreciate it!! Thanks!! :)

Specializes in ED, Cardiac Medicine, Retail Health.

Do you plan on living north or south of the city? I live on the south shore and there are several hospitals that you may be interested in (Good Samaritan Brockton, South Shore Hospital, Milton Hospital, Newton Welsley Hospital, Brockton Hospital).

Specializes in Cardiac Stepdown.

I was looking more north of Boston. I found Lahey Clinic in Burlington?? If anyone has any info on this hospital or any others?? I 'm really looking though outside of the city....

As a patient of Lahey I have to say their care and atmosphere seems very positive. Having had many tests and procedures done in the past year while attending nursing school they were very informative and helpful and forthcoming and honest.

NOT ONE person I spoke with hated working there! Also teamwork was very evident and they were teaching me so many things as a pt and were so encouraging of my studies. I can only imagine that they are like that even more so with co workers.

They also have many educational opportunities. The scheduling coordinator for my Primary care doc was a MA and accepted into a RN program which her education and expenses are all paid for by Lahey. There are tons of other opportunities as well from my discussions with empolyees.

I work for the NSMC (Salem Hosptal). It's good place, away from the city but not too far away. there is equally Beverly Hospita, Union Hospital, Melrose wakefield among others. Hope that helps

Specializes in Tele/ICU/MedSurg/Peds/SubAcute/LTC/Alz.

Cool beans...

Well, when I up my experience I plan on coming back East. You will like it there, Boston has everything!

Specializes in community health, LTC, SNF, Tele-Health.

My father has been a cardiac/tele patient numerous times at Lahey and the staff is phenomenal. I also work with a nurse now who worked on their tele unit. She loved it. Good luck with your search! Welcome to Beantown!

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