Reinstated; What now?


Hey folks

I'll have my RN licencse reinstated in a month or two. I'm at a loss as to where to go from here. I need some advice as to how to approach getting a postition in a facility. I have heard that some HR departments dump applications from nurses with restrictions on their license.

I surrendered my license to the Ca. BRN in June 2005. I was addicted to Opiates and alcohol, and could not see how I could ever become sober. So, I gave up. I now have 4 1/2 years of recovery. I feel that I'm a much better person; and I'm a more grounded person than I was before my addiction began.

Before surrendering my license, I had worked in the acute care and home health setting. I have experiecne in ICU/CCU, Med-surg, and DOU. I know that home health is off the table. I'd like to return to acute care nursing. I'd like to get a fair chance to prove myself. Does anyone have advice on how to get through the "gatekeepers" namely the HR department.


Specializes in Critical Care Emergency Room.

You should IMO contact the BRN and ask how you should proceed. A positive attitude and letters from your MD will be very helpful. Follow their guidelines and keep in touch with them to make sure your dotting and crossing your i's and t's. It is crucial for you to identify your strengths and weakness which led you into the direction you went and what those stressors were. Your ability to identify those areas will make your re-entry a tactical success.

Congratulations. I am impressed with your success.

Congratulations! Do you have any contacts, particularly prior supervisors, that might be able to help you out? Lots of times having someone on the inside is the way people get work, even in a bad economy. Good luck.

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