Published Jan 1, 2010
212 Posts
I bought 4 cases of Zoes for clinicals the previous semester, and they were generally great. Unfortunately they are OSS at amazon and havnt been in stock for months. What would be a good alternative as far as nutrition goes? Taste can be compromised. I dont really want anything thats sour/sweet like apples. Chocolate is always fine by me.
Any suggestions?
SuesquatchRN, BSN, RN
10,263 Posts
Clif Bars.
locolorenzo22, BSN, RN
2,396 Posts
blah....I would recommend CLIF kids fruit twists. Real fruit twists and good for a extra shot of energy with low calories(always a NS concern!)
Clif it is then. Ill head down to my local market and pick up a bunch of variets to taste test, then buy in bulk on amazon.
I dislike fruit bars cause they make my tooth hurt.
145 Posts
Why eat proccessed crap like energy bars when you can have a piece of fruit for half the cost and twice the nutrients and health benefits?
During my first semester, I got to eat lunch like 3x during clinicals. The rest of the time, I was in the computer lab charting while munching down a power bar. Its convenient and I can put a bunch in my pocket. Thats pretty much the only reason.
205 Posts
I cut up a mess of fruit on the weekend and squeeze some lemon over it.
Every morning I have some with breakfast and then dump some more in a ziplock bag and spoon in some plain yogurt.
By lunch time, it tastes great.
Cut a hole in on corner of the bag to eat.
I carry a pocket knife.
No need for utensils or cleanup.
That sounds delicious. But I wouldnt feel comfortable carrying a bag of fruit paste in my pocket, then eating it like a super go-gurt.
I got some cliff bars. They are great!