Recommend me a energy bar


I bought 4 cases of Zoes for clinicals the previous semester, and they were generally great. Unfortunately they are OSS at amazon and havnt been in stock for months. What would be a good alternative as far as nutrition goes? Taste can be compromised. I dont really want anything thats sour/sweet like apples. Chocolate is always fine by me.

Any suggestions?

Specializes in Ortho, Neuro, Detox, Tele.

blah....I would recommend CLIF kids fruit twists. Real fruit twists and good for a extra shot of energy with low calories(always a NS concern!)

Clif it is then. Ill head down to my local market and pick up a bunch of variets to taste test, then buy in bulk on amazon.

I dislike fruit bars cause they make my tooth hurt.

Why eat proccessed crap like energy bars when you can have a piece of fruit for half the cost and twice the nutrients and health benefits?

During my first semester, I got to eat lunch like 3x during clinicals. The rest of the time, I was in the computer lab charting while munching down a power bar. Its convenient and I can put a bunch in my pocket. Thats pretty much the only reason.

Specializes in mental health.

I cut up a mess of fruit on the weekend and squeeze some lemon over it.

Every morning I have some with breakfast and then dump some more in a ziplock bag and spoon in some plain yogurt.

By lunch time, it tastes great.

Cut a hole in on corner of the bag to eat.

I carry a pocket knife.

No need for utensils or cleanup.

That sounds delicious. But I wouldnt feel comfortable carrying a bag of fruit paste in my pocket, then eating it like a super go-gurt.

I got some cliff bars. They are great!

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