Recent NCLEX takers: how many priority questions did you get?

Nursing Students NCLEX


Just curious, how many priority questions did the recent NCLEX takers (within a few years?) get on your exam? 2? 5? 30? I got like 7 or so (test stopped at 75). It this a bad sign?? Thanks.

Specializes in Cardiac stepdown Unit & Pediatrics.

Most of mine were priority questions this morning and it cut off at 75....

Specializes in ER.

i think i got around 10 or so, knew i failed but i passed, ytheres really no way to know, keep our head up i am sure you did just fine, the priority are the higher level so its good you saw them :).

I would say i had about 1/2 dozen.

Every other question I had was priority. The very FIRST question was priority for me. Passed with 75.

Hang in there - we've all been in your shoes and we know what it's like. All we can do is send good vibes and positive prayers your way - and be assured that's what we're all doing! :redpinkhe:redpinkhe:redpinkhe

Specializes in ED.

I think I had about 10 or so. I also only got 75 questions and passed. You probably did fine. The majority of my friends from school got 75 and everyone passed. Good luck!!!

I took my NCLEX RN yesterday and I had a few (4-5) prioritization and a bunch of select all that apply...which I hate!! Can't say I knew many of the meds they threw my way. I do NOT feel as though I passed. :o I wasn't paying too much attention to how many questions I had...I think somewhere between 110-115. Not too sure if thats a good sign. Anyway, the majority of the people I graduated with got 75...all except one passed. I am soooo nervous! :icon_roll If I fail, I can't afford to take it again! Good luck to you !! :specs:

Wow I just took the Nclex and it cut off at 75. I had tons of priority questions...maybe a 12....and tons of SATA questions involving meds/disorders that I've never heard of.!!!..I wish I could remember some of them and look them up to see what they are but my mind is blank right now...LOL I felt like they were making up some of the stuff. I got the last 2 questions right so hopefully that's a good sign.

I had a LOT of priority questions, not a lot of delegation, and many many multiple multiples. It was nerve wracking, but I passed at 75.

at least 45/75 of mine were priority (either who would you see first? what would you do first?)


I am going to be graduating from a DE school this May. Perhaps you went to the same school (DTCC)? I would like to know if you felt prepared when you took the NCLEX? Any suggestions to study by would be greatly appreciated.

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