Received ATT today

Nurses New Nurse


Well gang, I just received my ATT and now I'm nervous as heck. Don't want to look to see what days are open. I thought I knew what time frame I wanted to test in but now unsure. Any suggestions to get over the nervousness:uhoh21:

Specializes in Pediatric Intensive Care, Urgent Care.

LOL!!! you best do so quickly or there won't be any dates to look at...LMAO!!:yeah:


Specializes in Neuro.

Just do it!! The longer you wait, the worse the anxiety will get, right?

I know I have butterflies everywhere. Who would have thought I would have been so nervous. lol

Thanks, I guess you right. I just need to do it.

Specializes in General adult inpatient psychiatry.

Don't worry too much! Half of my classmates (maybe everyone but me) got their ATT today and the earliest dates are mid July and all starting at 8 AM. I wanted so badly to get it done by the end of this month but my school was super slow with getting things signed!

I got mine today too! Picked a day...July 7th...time to crack down even more! ahhhh!

Well I picked my date today. I have decided not to tell anyone. The pressure is just unreal. I didn't think I would be sooo nervous. I've got to really get to it now.

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