I've been an RN for a little over a year now, all that time in a combined CCU/M/S/N ICU. In that time there have been a couple of patients who have been "slow coded" and I was wondering what someone else's experience has been with them. My PA wife is pretty appalled by it and I must confess to some discomfort.
Both patients where I've been in the room have been long term ICU patients (6 weeks +) in multi organ failure, vented, mulitiple pressor support, dialysis, etc. with families in complete denial. Yesterday's patient was in PEA and was on the way out when the director of the unit came in and started pushing epi and yelling for someone to start compressions. After the third dose he got a rhythm back. This guy has been unresponsive for a month and it was a blessing that he was finally dying. Now that he's back the family is faced with the prospect of withdrawing life support on him, which is a whole different story from an unsuccessful code situation.
My question is this: is it ethical to allow nature to take its course when you know the person deserves to be at peace? Or do we have an obligation to make every conceivable effort before the code is called, or worse, we get the patient back like we did yesterday? Any feedback, positive or negative, is welcome. I'd _really_ like to know what you guys think.