Published Aug 2, 2011
224 Posts
So, my program officially starts in..48 days. I ran into a student who is in the class before me and graduating from the program in just a couple weeks. Asked her how it's going and was told, "Whatever you do, Keep your nose in a book." She told me that a student was dropped from the program just 3 weeks before graduation for not checking an ID bracelet (Yes, thats probably a pretty bad thing, but I still feel horrible for that student.) Also, out of 33 students 17 are gonna make far. Basically, what Im getting at it is, HOLY CRAP....THIS IS GETTING MORE REAL EVERYDAY. I've been praying every night that I can get through this. Can you imagine getting all the way to the last quarter and being dropped?! (Party bonus: if you fail my program. you fail. thats it.)
Guess Ill do what the previous student said. Keep my nose in my book. Eat, breath, live Nursing. How is everyone else doing that is getting ready to start? Are you too having a battle of excitment vs nervousness? For those in programs right now...anything else you would like to add to my current plan of attack? lol.
182 Posts
That student was pretty close to spot on... I mean, it's important to take occasional breaks and me-time to refresh yourself, however, it is a lot of information and you'll do yourself a favor by staying on top of it. (Pre-read and post-read for EVERY lecture)
Also -
-memorize lab values (the sooner you do this, the better)
-enjoy the companionship of your classmates, but understand that your grades are based on your effort. Don't forsake study time for social time. If a study group isn't studying, try something else.
-stay focused on the end result... your hard work and dedication will pay off in the end.
179 Posts
I start nursing school on Aug 15th and I am SO NERVOUS and excited at the same time, but mostly nervous.
It's a strenuous journey, but stay focused and you'll do fine. Congrats and good luck!
on eagles wings, ASN, RN
1 Article; 1,035 Posts
I am super nervous. I am going to start reading my fundamentals book now and I wanted to start reading through NCLEX test taking skills books. I also suggest getting your life in order as to reduce stress while in school.
Good luck to us noobs :)
Thanks for the encouragement! There's always a light at the end of the tunnel, right? :)
47 Posts
Yes! I know just what you mean, I start Aug.22 in ADN program and it is all I can think about! I am elated and excited and cannot wait to start but then there is Ms. evil sitting on my shoulder throwing doubts my way... Am I really smart enough? Will I be able to cope with the stress and be the nice nurse I want to be or will the stress get to me and make me act like Nurse Hatchet or something? Will I have some kind of family emergency that will shatter my dreams? What if I don't know what I am expected to know already? OH. I could go on and on! I will be so glad to start so I can get on with my life.. The NOT knowing is killing me!!!!
250 Posts
I start Aug 17. I'm like heather1988, I'm bouncing back and forth between terror and excitement every min. Gotta have faith though!! We can do this!
I am having the same feeling. I have so many questions and doubts. Am I smart enough? How long will it take me to adjust to the schedule? Can I adjust to the different way of testing? How much studying should I do? Can I do this? I have so much doubt in my abilities.
53 Posts
Definitely keep your nose in whatever they tell you to read, I start my final semester on the 22nd!
IMHO to keep your self ahead of the game...always stop to think about safety! Safety 1st for everything! It has kept me from making major mistakes and once I was totally oriented to the idea of always trying to be studying got easier and my testing improved bc I was always looking for things that were the most dangerous and what that would do to my pts.
Sounds kind of paranoid but man..i promise I don't miss no id bracelets! lol
13 Posts
hey hey hey.. just relaxx.. and njoy ur time.,. dont think about future.. I m starting on Aug 22 too @ COD.. and.. im just njoying my time now. doing wht i like.. cos once i start the program.. i know its going to be one hell of a journey.. Just believe in ur self and stay focused.. BEST OF LUCK
You completely have summed up everything I have been thinking too. Its awesome to know that its common to feel like this before starting the program. Maybe, its actually healthy to not be overly confident about this process? I wonder how many successful graduates felt like this too? The way I figure, my self doubt may just push me even harder to prove myself wrong! Nursing school is going to such a test of our characters, skills, and critical thinking skills! If we get through this, then we can take on anything right?!