"foreign" objects?

Nurses General Nursing


I'm not a nurse so you guys tell me, I've heard rumors for years, and from actual nurses about people coming into the ED with things stuck in their various private orifices that they can't get out. Is there any truth to this? Just my morbid curiousity.

Specializes in midwifery, ophthalmics, general practice.

hmm hamsters and urban myths?? well I have seen a bloke brought in with a hamster where it had no right to be. he said he had stuck in the freezer for a while then inserted it! the idea being it gave a fantastic sensation when it started moving! trouble is this one moved up and onwards!! once we'd finished laughing we removed it under GA!

and one for the ladies........when I was a young and innocent student nurse we had a lady brought in who had her contraceptive device stuck (pity you cant hear the cockney accent) she said- its stuck, innit! problem was, her contraceptive device was a metal tea strainer with the handle cut off!!! ouch ouch. the consultant who removed it said he had heard of selective breeding but that took the biscuit........straining out the good sperm!! even now I go ouch when thinking about it!!

both true...........honest!!


A friend of mine was doing his residency a few years ago and he told me about the man who came in with a carrot stuck you-know-where. He was incredibly embarassed and told a story about how he had been peeling carrots and had slipped and fallen on one. To make matters even worse, the staff put the carrot in a little baggie and passed it around the OR with the warning "See, this is what happens when you don't eat your veggies".

How on earth do you keep a straight face in these situations??? Do you ever get used to these weird situations?

Years and years ago a "lady of the evening" came into our ER. If I remember she had been in a fight -- was bruised and battered but nothing serious, but she was naked -- no clothes, no purse, no ID, nada. Anyway about 15 minutes after she was brought in her pimped showed up demanding to see her. He forced his way into her room (it was a slow night, so she was put in the first room which happended to be a private exam room). Screaming, yelling, crashing of metal against metal ensued then the pimp walked out of the room with a wad of paper money.

With that the older, much more experienced ER nurse said, "well, my mother always told me never to put money in my mouth because you never know where it's been."

Years ago, as a new grad, we had a great old country doc who would sometimes come in during slow times and say "did I ever tell you about the time?" He told tales of pop bottles, vaccuum hoses, shower curtain rings. The most interesting, I thought was the highball glass in the rectum that went in base first. They couldn't get a grip on it, so they placed the patient in bottoms up position and poured plaster of paris into the glass. They put a coat hanger into the plaster, and when it set, they were able to pull the glass out. We were a rural hospital about an hour away from a major city, so apparently bigwigs who had problems could find a little anonimity there.

Specializes in Geriatrics.

I know of a young couple who were brought in ummm "stuck" ummm well they were both on the same stretcher. She had lady partsl spasms ( I can't remember the name for the clinical position ugh! clinical condition I meant clinical condition!!)

I beleive it is called vaginismus

Specializes in Geriatrics.

I know of a young couple who were brought in ummm "stuck" ummm well they were both on the same stretcher. She had lady partsl spasms ( I can't remember the name for the clinical position ugh! clinical condition I meant clinical condition!!)

I believe it is called vaginismus

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