"Do you like nursing?" – Best way to spin this question


Last week, I had the second phase of an interview for nursing informatics position. I know it didn't go well. I was not very happy with some of the answers I gave during the face-to-face interview, and I know I failed the epic systems test. I have absolutely no programming experience so I know I failed that one, and I probably didn't do so well on the verbal and math portions. One question that one of the interviewers asked me still bothers me a week later. She asked me "do you like nursing?".

To be honest no I don't like nursing. More specifically, I don't like bedside nursing which is currently what I'm doing. That is why I am interviewing for positions away from the bedside, including this one. I know I screwed up this answer. So for next time I ever encounter a question like this, what would be the best way to answer this without being too honest about what I think of nursing?

"That is a very broad question, but thank you for giving me the chance to answer it. There are many aspects of the nursing I have done so far that I love, such as (A), (B), and ©. I can't say that Iove all there is about nursing because I haven't done it all yet. That is why I am applying for this job, which is different than my current one in (X) way. I am sure I can bring the same level of dedication and enthusiasm to this new position as I challenge myself and grow professionally."

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

I agree with the previous poster. No one wants to hire someone for a nursing job of any kind if that person hates nursing. So find a few nice things to say. If you can't think of anything nice to say ... then it is time for you to leave nursing -- because unrelenting negativity will bring everyone down, including you.

Specializes in L&D, infusion, urology.

I agree. Look at the things you DO love (or at least like) about nursing. It doesn't have to be all about bedside nursing. Speak to a passion or draw that has you applying for other RN positions.

Thanks for all your replies. No, I am not that burnt to a crisp that I hate all of nursing. I did my best to answer like RunBabyRun suggested, but I am pretty damn sure I flubbed my answer. I was very nervous during this interview because I also had to take the EPIC assessment test right afterwards.

It doesn't matter anymore. I am not getting this position. EPIC does not allow second chances with that stupid assessment test. They only make people take this test to make it look like you are super intelligent, and therefore worthy of handling their piece of crap software. I also think it's ludicrous that they also make people employed by their customers take their test. The more I learn abut EPIC, the less I am willing to work with them. And I'm not even seeking employment with EPIC, it's with a health system that uses EPIC.

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