Questions about retake the RN exam


I just went to the NCSBN.ORG and read the NCLEX FACT SHEET. I found that the Nclex-RN pass rate for the first time candidate is more than 80% and pass rate for repeat candidate is only from 39.2% to 45.5%. What does it mean? Is it harder to pass the exam for the repeat candidate?

I've taken the exam twice. First time stopped at 192 and all areas are nearing passing standard. Second time stopped at 75, 4 areas are nearing passing standard, and the other 4 are below. So depressed! My performance was not improved. It was regressive. But I dont want to give up. Now, I am gonna take my third time. I am wondering whether the passing standard is higher for me. Because I've taken the exam twice and see the real questions.

Please share some thoughts.

If I am asking stupid questions, just tell me.


Hello, I couldn't blame u to feel that way:). I also did not pass the first time, 4 areas were all near passing standard. Right now, i am reviewing again, prayin hard. Its good to be a member here in As u read many advices on how to handle board exam...

What I could advice for u is to don't be too bother regarding the percentage rate.Who Knows, when U pass the board exam. WHo Will say to URSELF even its just 39% people pass when they repeat the test, Its good to know that U can add that percentage right I also read that part that 80% of US graduates pass first time etc... I didn't pass the first time even though am a US graduate. I just don;t think about any negatives right now. You are the only one who can help urself pass this test. So study hard, am below passing standard on safety control, physiological so am focusing there. But I also review the major content which is priority,pharmacology and so on. Just don;t give up, STAY POSitive...

Only YOu can Help urself the MOST.....

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