Published Jan 30, 2005
63 Posts
I have a couple of questions. In Florida (where I live) what is GN? I know this is a graduate nurse but does one become a GN upon graduation or once they have passed the NCLEX? Can you still be GN if you fail the NCLEX? How long do you have to be a GN? Thanks
Altra, BSN, RN
6,255 Posts
A GN (graduate nurse) is someone who has graduated from nursing school but not yet passed the NCLEX.
States vary in what capacity GNs can operate. In my state, the state board issues a GN/Temporary Practice Permit which allows you to work until you pass NCLEX. The temp. permit is good for one year, so you have one year to pass the NCLEX and get licensed. You'll want to check into information from your board of nursing in FL to see exactly how they approach this.
Good luck. :)
wonderbee, BSN, RN
1 Article; 2,212 Posts
Yes, you work as a GN with a temporary permit upon graduation in the state of Florida. Of course you will have to make application for the permit. Check with the Florida BON. The procedure is online.
Jennerizer, ASN, RN
728 Posts
I am a GN at one of the Florida Hospital locations. I was hired at the end of December (graduated mid-December) & started the job on Jan 17th. I don't take my nclex exam until Feb 28th. When I applied to take the seating pass is good until the end of March. After that you have to reapply & pay the fees again - so it is definitely in your best interest to take the exam before the date expires. The hospital I am at isn't pressuring us to hurry up & get it done. They have been very accomodating as far as rearranging the schedule so that we have time off prior to the exam as well as the exam day.
At my hospital, if we fail the nclex, we get demoted from GN to PCT & the pay rate also decreases. We can remain in the PCT role until we do pass the nclex. I am not sure if they would take us out of our grad nurse classes...somehow I think they would have us continue to remain in their grad nurse classes since we are pretty much halfway done with that phase of the orientation.
One of my classmates recently took the nclex & did not pass. So it will be interesting to see what exactly they do with her at this point.
As far as how long do you remain a GN - well, it's until you pass or fail the nclex. If you pass, you are now an RN & will just finish up the orientation phase of being a new nurse. I believe at my hospital, we have 2 months of classes & a preceptor - after that is over, they will evaluate you on a personal basis to see if you are ready to be on your own. If you fail, then you become a PCT until you do pass the nclex.