Question about nursing requirements in college.. Please READ

Nursing Students General Students


I need some information on why nurses are required to take physics in college. If you have any information on this, or can point me to some websites with information, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!!!

Specializes in ED.
My school does not require it, either.

I are a stoopid nurs.

You're too funny :chuckle

Actually, alot of what I hear everyone talking about refers to chemistry, not physics. I am in an ADN program which doesn't require chem or physics, but I took the chem anyway since I want to move on to a BSN after this is over. Chemistry definatly has a place in nursing, in everything that is nursing. Physics could have some place but I feel that the others are more important.

Physics is Algebra put into practicals and remembering SOHCAHTOA (trig), period... you have an equation and everything is usually proportional, you just have to know how to combine the formulas and plug in the units. chemistry requires more than that. For those of you who strongly suggest that physics is vital towards nursing, I'd say you should gear your attentions towards taking General Chm I & II and then General Organic I and General organic II with Biochem. That way, you'll know you're learning something. Don't get me wrong, I took physics I and II, and if pressure is your strongest side, you learn more about fluid pressure and rate of molecular diffusion in chemistry than in physics. I have nothing against physics, as a matter fact physics, chemistry and biology are my favorite subjects. And the question was why? it's just for colleges to fill up their pockets. If (hypothetically) nurses want the field to be more of science build, then it should use scientific theories and models to teach about their materials. Otherwise, it will be very confusing, and non of the scientific minded kids will learn a thing, and their best bet will be to memorize. Which is the result of I passed with an A even though I didn't know what I was doing. In my opinion, do I think there should be more science courses towards nursing than Humanities and Arts? Yes, because I find science courses a lot easier. I hate speech, english, and psychology, honestly I think these courses are just stupid. However, nursing wants you to be balanced and not carry a heavier load on one side than the other.


My school does not require it, either.

I are a stoopid nurs.

LMAO! :rotfl:

Specializes in Cardiac.

Sorry this post is so late.....

I was originally getting a degree in Micro, but then changed my mind and went into nursing. I took 1 year in physics, and 1 year in Organic chem (in addition to the other chems and bios). I did not find any of that info even relevant to nursing. Things that are more relevant are the ability to interact with people, critical thinking, and skill sets. I have found many ICU nurses that wouldn't know what the heck a Normal force is, or why Newton is so important.

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