Published Apr 28, 2009
69 Posts
Nexium is used for GERD, healing of erosive esophagus, acid reflux. Is it also given for other reasons? like antibiotic? im confused. ive been taking care of patients that dont have gerd, erosive esophagus, acid reflux and theyre on nexium. are there other reasons a patient would be taking nexium?
cardiacRN2006, ADN, RN
4,106 Posts
Nexium is part of our PUD (peptic ulcer Disease) prevention. All ICU patient's are on Nexium and some sort of DVT prophylaxis as well.
In these situaitons, we are using it as a prevention to keep the pt from developing a stress ulcer.
94 Posts
The book I have say Nexium is used for
GERD/erosive esophagitis
Hypersecretory conditions, including Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (is a disorder where increased levels of the hormone gastrin are produced, causing the stomach to produce excess hydrochloric acid)
With amoxicillin to eradicate Helicobacter pylori in duodenal ulcer disease or history of duodenal ulcer disease
Decrease risk of gastric ulcer during continuous NSAID therapy.
522 Posts
prevention of stress ulcer. Every patient I have is on some type of PPI.
201 Posts
i've was on it before because i had gastritis and a bum gallbladder.
both of my patients today were on nexium.
primary patient has myasthenia gravis. doctor was talking to her today about d/c instructions and said that she needs it bcus she is on high dose of steroids and its to protect her stomach. he also out her on antibiotics to prevent infections from the steroids?
secondary patient had a left radial fracture PMHx of HIV. on two antivirals for hiv and she was on nexium also. in this case i dont know why she would be on nexium.
in this case i dont know why she would be on nexium.
Like I said-prophylactic Nexium is used for prevention of stress ulcers.
Bortaz, MSN, RN
2,628 Posts
All the local docs here use Protonix on every hospitalized patient, for the same reason cardiacRN mentioned regarding Nexuim: Prophylactic prevention of stress ulcers.
98 Posts
Used as protection for stomach against NSAID's as well as all above reasons.
jmgrn65, RN
1,344 Posts
standard of care.
218 Posts
Is there any evidence that all of this Nexium is necessary? I too have seen this. Just about every single patient I have cared for is on this stupid thing.
I'd rather give my pts the purple pill than have a GI bleen on my hands. It's easy, and although not the cheapest PUD prophylaxis, it's cheaper than a GI bleed.
A stress ulcer can happen easier than you think...