Question about abandonment


Ready to leave this home health agency. new job wants me to start next Monday. i gave reassign last Tuesday and 2 weeks will last to next Tuesday. i have enough BTO to cover the whole week. so i agree to work this week and use BTO to cover rest of days. but manager refuse to let me use BTO also said if i can not finish this two weeks, they will put it as patient abandonment and can be reported to board of nursing. actually, i finished this week until Thursday. Friday i was scheduled off to get ACLS license. when i sent all my equipment back on friday, they told me that. i do not think this is patient abandonment. can anybody give me your idea and suggestions. thanks.

Google Mississippi board of nursing abandonment. the board has given a written opinion of what constitutes abandonment in your state. We can't give legal advice but I think you will be happy when you google it.

I am not going to say for sure about this but I do not think that this is abandonment because this is days away from your scheduled shift, and you are giving well enough notice that you won't be working.

It is on the agencies to make sure that there is someone at the persons house taking care of that person and if they know days ahead of time that you are not taking that shift it is not abandonment on your part.

Just make sure you document everything from when you gave your notice to handing in your things. Make sure it is documented clearly that you quit your job days prior to the shifts they wanted you to take. Also clearly document that you had time to use and they are refusing to allow you to take it. Did they explain why? It is the agencies problem not yours. You have the right to quit a job and you are giving them well advanced notice. Like anything I feel they are just trying to threaten you because they don't feel like having to deal with finding a new care giver extra

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

Your aforementioned description does not depict patient abandonment. However, this might not stop your unscrupulous manager from referring your license number to the state board of nursing with a complaint full of falsehoods attached about the circumstances surrounding your separation from the home health company.

If worse comes to worse just tell the manager that you are going to report her to the Mississippi bar for giving you legal advice without a law license. I have found this normally stops harassment.

scottaprn said:
If worse comes to worse just tell the manager that you are going to report her to the Mississippi bar for giving you legal advice without a law license. I have found this normally stops harassment.

thanks. let us see. I have my tool box return on Monday since they said I have to bring everything back to get my pay check. hopefully they will leave me alone. the girl got hired with me (which we are friend now) quit during orientation. she made a great decision I believe.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
scottaprn said:
If worse comes to worse just tell the manager that you are going to report her to the Mississippi bar for giving you legal advice without a law license. I have found this normally stops harassment.

Bingo. Giving sleazy people a taste of their own devious medicine is usually enough to bring the intimidating threats to a screeching halt. If the manager threatened to report you to the BON for nonsense, threaten to report her. You'll be throwing her nonsense back into her face.

TheCommuter said:
Bingo. Giving sleazy people a taste of their own devious medicine is usually enough to bring the intimidating threats to a screeching halt. If the manager threatened to report you to the BON for nonsense, threaten to report her. You'll be throwing her nonsense back into her face.

thank you very much, all you guys.

Patient abandonment is when you accept responsibility for the patient's care and then decide to leave. Telling the employer two weeks out that you will not work X number of shifts is not patient abandonment. This person is trying to blackmail you into doing something you do not want to do.

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