Quality of life


I am looking for a state with the best ratio of high pay vs. low cost of living. If you are able to make a nice life for yourself as an RN in your state please respond. I would especially appreciate it if you gave me an approximate salary and/or monthly rent. I can easily look up housing costs so salary ranges are more appreciated.

Specializes in Critical Care.

There's no common definition of what "quality of life" refers to, so nobody can really give you a simple answer to your question. What some people look for as desirable characteristics of a place to live, others might consider a reason not to live there.

Salary.com is generally a reliable source of area salary ranges, so I would suggest coming up with a list of places you would want to live based on your specific desires, then compare salary and cost of living in those particular areas.

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.

I'd look into states where the economy is on fire right now and do NOT have a state income tax...like Texas or Florida.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Geriatrics, Wound Care.

I second trying to find places you'd actually want to live. I'd die in Texas or Florida! Way too hot! I prefer being near big cities. Some people like being near water/mountains/good schools. There have been some posts about the salary:rent.

Here's a 2ish year old thread (I'm sure the numbers haven't changed that much):

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