Qualities of a Good Nurse?


Hi Everyone,

I am currently a pre-nursing student just accepted to an RN program to start in August.

I just wanted to find out what qualities nurses possess that make them a great nurse? What are some good personality traits to have...?? What are some good skills to have...?? I am really curious to see what everyone thinks....

Also, any good tips for nursing students starting clinicals??

Thanks! :)

Best quality is being able to communicate well !

Along with the above, listening to your patients and their family.


I agree with every word everyone else has said.

Ability to critically think in a split second

The courage to tell a MD what a patient needs. You are your patients eyes, ears and VOICE. Remember that.


Treat each other how you want to be treated.

Patience, HONESTY, CREDIBILITY, caring, trustworthy.

ALWAYS tell a patient what you are going to do BEFORE you do it and why.

Patients and families remember the nurse that sat down and held mom's hand, the nurse that called us when dad was going downhill, the nurse that held me and hugged me when my husband died.

Don't EVER settle for ANYTHING!!!!

Good Luck to you!

Yes, your patient is your number one concern, and I absolutely advocate that. I always tried to treat my patients as if they were my own family. They appreciate it and their families do also. I attended a lady last fall who was actively dying and in great respiratory distress. This was my first visit with her, so we knew nothing about each other. She was on her living room couch laying down, thus increasing the difficulty with breathing. My only alternative that I knew of was to get up behind her, sit her up and then lean her back on my chest...then I was able to administer the morphine and lorazepam she so desperately needed. She died about an hour later, but she was comfortable. Her brother said to me how grateful he was that I just came in and treated her like she was my sister. That made my day.

We all have our own methods, techniques. You will find your niche. A few nice words, a gentle touch, holding the hand are sometimes all that is needed.

I wish you luck.

Alice in Virginia

juss to let u kno...im 15...and i want to be a pediatric nurse...im doing an MLA format essay and i used what you said...so i quoted you....SO NOW YOU'RE APART OF MY ESSAYY

and i was talking to healthyRN

Specializes in Behavioral Health, Show Biz.






:nurse:that's what i like about nursing!!!

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