Published Jun 20, 2013
11 Posts
I filed under BON Saipan and unfortunately they don't have quick result and BON website don't post license number. My only way of knowing my result is thru mail in 1-2months or Nursys. Test ends at 75 with 18 SATa, 20+ prio. Im on my 16th day right now and name still not in Nursys. Do you have idea on how info is updated in Nursys? Seems like Saipan submits updates daily. Im really really worried now. Hope you can enlighten me.
most of the people I know saw their name in nursys in 1-2 weeks. Are there any reasons why my name isn't in nursys? This pVt keeps my hope up.
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
Smaller states may only update once every 2 weeks or so. Larger states like CA update several times per week
Latest updates:
June 20th was latest update for Northern Mariana Islands.
I also observed that they update the database almost everyday. I really don't know what those updates mean. Is it ok to call Nursys to ask?
Updates are when BoN sends data to Nursys Nursys will refer you to the BoN they will have no info if they even accept your call.
Results can be anywhere from a few days to several weeks. My test was Aug 11, quick results Aug 13, license issued by my BoN Sep 19. Appeared in Nursys Sept 22. (Not Saipan but an East Coast BoN)
I see. Wow! I think it really varies. Maybe that update in the database may not necessarily mean submissions of new licenses. I almost give up two days ago. And I saw in Nursys FAQ's: How often is Nursys updated? Answer: Each board of nursing follows a schedule for updates to Nursys. I just observed most of the one I know regardless of the date of their exam usually saw their names at the end of each month. I'll update you with my result. Thank you for the answers. Appreciate it a lot. :) :) :)
102 Posts
Hi! May i know any updates with your situation? I also applied with Saipan BON and took the nclex last July 2 and had almost 280+ questions. I had the good PVT pop up but I'm still worried cos I think my case is something different. How soon did you know the official result? Thank you very much!!
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
Different boards have different response/post times to the website. California is the longest and that can be a few weeks. A good pop up...while not absolute is a 99.9% pass with the "good pop up. If you have specific issues special to you it may take longer I would call the BON....Congratulations.
Thanks so much for the reply. I really appreciate it! I'm just banking on the accuracy of PVT so far altho right now I'm still in denial of my status. I really hope this is it. I actually communicated with the Saipan BON thru email and they said they'll be mailing the results by next week and that means I must wait for almost 4-6weeks I guess. And right now I'm feeling insane because of this. Lol If theres somehow any other way to know the results, I would be so happy about it.
6 Posts
Hi we have the same situation. How long have you received your official results from Saipan? How often do they update nursys? I took my exam July 30 and had good pop up 3x tried it. But no name in nursys yet. Pls help.
59 Posts
Hi.. its already 4 months and i dont know the results of nclex new mexico. Can someone advise me?
Call the board of nursing.