PVT bad pop up... help for next time.


I graduated 4 months ago and because of issues with billing at the school I wasn't able to get clearance to test till recently. I tried to stay pretty fresh with my info but I guess it didn't work. I played "Feuer nclex prep" cds in my car all the time and read through the saunders nclex book. I work full time and the past 10 days before the test I tried to give at least an hour a day studying/going over questions. I just took it today, at first I got the Hold pop up, but I just checked it again and its asking me for a credit card. The test only went to 75 questions which makes me feel real dumb since I failed that fast. I had about 5-7 SATA, 3 fill in med calc, 1 picture. I guess it is what it is, and I'm trying not to be too hard on myself. I just want to know if anyone changed anything the second time around, or if they just studied more, what do you think helped you the most.

Im sorry to hear that. I graduated a while ago too and will be taking the exam for the first time in February (planning a wedding and studying for NCLEX does not go together!) I am doing hurst review, and I feel that it is REALLY good for content since we need some refreshing on that. But, I think you may need to probably study more than 1 hour a day. I think the majority of people do more than 100 questions per day, which will take you more than an hour. Also, the Kaplan Qtrainer is available online, here is the link: Kaplan Nclex Sample Exam 6. I am doing these also, making sure to go over all the rationales. Also, I am doing NCLEX 3500 and Saunders questions. I try to do at least 150 a day, in addition to some review.

I am sure that you will rock the test the next time around!!

@Imeanreally I just failed recently myself, and I would say try not to be hard on yourself. Just dust yourself off and try it again, speaking from someone who is currently studying to take it again. Best of luck to you.

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