

Specializes in Emergency Room, Cardiology, Medicine.

I'm about a year and a half into my first career on a med-surg floor. I work with an aide that I find unapproachable. It's almost impossible to ask her to do anything without having her grumble under her breath and walk away. Many of the other aides and almost all the nurses have warmed to me. I'm NOT confrontational at all... but maybe that's part of my problem because I'm not defending myself.

Last night, this particular aide told me that I don't do any patient care when I asked her to clean one of my patients because I had to help another one whose HR was in the 160's. She then walked away. How are we supposed to have a civilized conversation when she says something like that and doesn't even hear my side of the story? Later, I approached her and told her I do what I can.. but she just grumbled something else and walked away, again. I don't like working with children.. that's why I'm not in pediatrics. So, what's a helpful way to approach this child-like behavior? It's frustrating and I can't believe I have to see this in 40 year olds.

... quick edit: I also want to add that I'm really trying to practice respect. I feel like I could've quickly snapped back something nasty (because god knows she deserves it)... but I always hold myself back. I don't want to earn respect from other people by having to drag a person down... regardless of who they are.

Specializes in Acute Care Cardiac, Education, Prof Practice.
I'm about a year and a half into my first career on a med-surg floor. I work with an aide that I find unapproachable. It's almost impossible to ask her to do anything without having her grumble under her breath and walk away. Many of the other aides and almost all the nurses have warmed to me. I'm NOT confrontational at all... but maybe that's part of my problem because I'm not defending myself.

Last night, this particular aide told me I don't do "any patient care" when I asked her to clean one of my patients because I had to help another one whose HR was in the 160's. She then walked away. How are we supposed to have a civilized conversation when she says something like that and doesn't even hear my side of the story? Later, I approached her and told her I do what I can.. but she just grumbled something else and walked away, again. I don't like working with children.. that's why I'm not in pediatrics. So, what's a helpful way to approach this child-like behavior? It's frustrating and I can't believe I have to see this in 40 year olds.

I think if an aide told me she "didn't do patient care" I would have laughed and called my supervisor. That is pretty much a blatant refusal to do her job.

Nursing is teamwork, if she doesn't want to be part of the team she doesn't deserve the paycheck.

Personally I would most likely bring up my concerns with the charge nurse and see how they deal with it. If they say its all fine I would ask for a mediated discussion with a supe.


Specializes in Emergency Room, Cardiology, Medicine.

I'm sorry.. maybe I wasn't clear there. She accused me that I didn't do patient care. Had she refused, I would've known where to go.

Specializes in Acute Care Cardiac, Education, Prof Practice.
I'm sorry.. maybe I wasn't clear there. She accused me that I didn't do patient care. Had she refused, I would've known where to go.

Oh, I was wondering. I did reread that a few times, but ascertained it was her being snotty.

Yeah I think you need to have a talk with her, when things are calm and not busy. I can't honestly say what I would have done if that situation had happened to me, I think I would have been blindsided and dumbfounded. :(

I am sorry you have to deal with this.


Specializes in LTC, med-surg.


sorry to hear about your havig to deal with this person. Did she end up cleaning the pt as you asked?

I would definitely get your charge nurse involved and if needed go up the "chain of command" (do we use military terms in nursing?)

Nobody should have to work in a toxic environment like this.

Is this NA always like that? How is everybody else treating her? You already said that you are using positive communication skills w/ her. Maybe she feels depressed? Has issues at home? Try not take her behaviour personally.

I hope that things will get better for all involved, keep us posted.


Specializes in Acute Care Cardiac, Education, Prof Practice.

You know I was just thinking about an aide I worked with at my last job. She was in her 60's and liked to wake everyone up and chat at midnight vitals. We used to butt heads constantly.

One night I came in and was watching tele from 5am to 7am. Her and I got into a friendly conversation and in the end I called her an old bag and she called me a bossy new grad and then she asked me for advice on how to handle new grads. We laughed and never fought again.

I am sure this won't work, but sometimes you just have to approach a situation in a whole new way.


Specializes in ob/gyn med /surg.

CNA's ( and i don't mean this in a bad way, because alot of people don't understand) know all that nurses do. they think if we are sitting we are doing nothing... and we are usually checking orders talking on the phone to a doc or family member.. or heaven knows what. some people think our job is easy.. i try to change as many beds as i can when i work but sometimes i work 12 hours with out a break , lunch, or pee pee.. she dosn't undsertand all we do.. i had one CNA say to me last week "I Think i could do your job easy, it dosen't look so hard", i said , go to Nursing school and give it a try..i almost laughed..and cried because i was hungry , tired and thirsty, and had no lunch or a drink .. and she had a lunch break and her two 15 minute breaks.. she never even noticed i did not stop the whole 12 hours i was there... at 1400 i asked her " did you have lunch" and she said " i awaysls have lunch and my breaks, i would never miss them" but thats okay and she should...i don't mean to offend anyone.. i hope i didn't i love you all.. thank you in adavnce

Specializes in Acute Care Cardiac, Education, Prof Practice.
CNA's ( and i don't mean this in a bad way, because alot of people don't understand) know all that nurses do. they think if we are sitting we are doing nothing... and we are usually checking orders talking on the phone to a doc or family member.. or heaven knows what. some people think our job is easy.. i try to change as many beds as i can when i work but sometimes i work 12 hours with out a break , lunch, or pee pee.. she dosn't undsertand all we do.. i had one CNA say to me last week "I Think i could do your job easy, it dosen't look so hard", i said , go to Nursing school and give it a try..i almost laughed..and cried because i was hungry , tired and thirsty, and had no lunch or a drink .. and she had a lunch break and her two 15 minute breaks.. she never even noticed i did not stop the whole 12 hours i was there... at 1400 i asked her " did you have lunch" and she said " i awaysls have lunch and my breaks, i would never miss them" but thats okay and she should...i don't mean to offend anyone.. i hope i didn't i love you all.. thank you in adavnce

Man I would have told her how amazingly offended I was and walked away.

Specializes in ob/gyn med /surg.
Man I would have told her how amazingly offended I was and walked away.

i have a yellow strip down my back.. i feel if i cause waves .. all the CNA's will hate me and i will be completely on my own... and CNA's at my hospital are few and far between...

Specializes in Acute Care Cardiac, Education, Prof Practice.
i have a yellow strip down my back.. i feel if i cause waves .. all the CNA's will hate me and i will be completely on my own... and CNA's at my hospital are few and far between...

Screw that. Everyone deserves respect for the job they do whether it be cashier at the McDonald's, waitress at the steak house (as I was for 7 years) or the RN trying to keep someone's loved one safe for 12 hours at a time.

Demand the respect, you earned it, you give it, you deserve it.

It is your facilities issue you don't have enough techs, not yours.


Specializes in Behavioral Health, Show Biz.

listen up! (revised)

i don't have time

to mind

the whines

when we have to hit-the-grind!


let's get the job done

both me-and-you

let's make it fun

do what we have to do.

anyone don't understand their assignment?

now let's go team!


showbizrn: nurse-on-the-run

and i don't mean running scared either...'nuf said?


Specializes in ob/gyn med /surg.
Screw that. Everyone deserves respect for the job they do whether it be cashier at the McDonald's, waitress at the steak house (as I was for 7 years) or the RN trying to keep someone's loved one safe for 12 hours at a time.

Demand the respect, you earned it, you give it, you deserve it.

It is your facilities issue you don't have enough techs, not yours.


tait you are right... i think sometimes at work i am to tired to deal with all this extra stuff.. i just get through the shift exhautsed.. but i am going to start spreaking up.. thank you so much for the great advice.. give yourself a big hug for me

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