Published Feb 28, 2014
176 Posts
I was curious how the Abboject syringes for the code meds (epi, atropine, etc) are put together? Does the medication vial screw in to the syringe vial? Does it stick out the end of the syringe? How does one push the med, is there a plunger that is somewhere in the box?
I tried Googling and Youtubeing videos, but surprisingly there aren't any. I figure this would be a pretty important thing to know how to do before I push meds in my first code.
1 Article; 6,683 Posts
Yes, there are little yellow caps on both the medication ampule and the injector device. You flick off both of those caps and then screw the two parts (where you just removed the caps) together. The med piece does stick out the back of the injector. You can push on the back of the medication piece to push the med out through the injector.
akulahawkRN, ADN, RN, EMT-P
3,523 Posts
Here's a youtube video that you can use to see how it's done. The medication used is D50, but the process of assembling other pre-loaded syringes of that type is basically identical. Skip forward to about 12:53 and the demo lasts for maybe a minute.
Yes, it's for Paramedic students, but it nicely shows how to assemble those pre-loaded syringes.
196 Posts
I remember trying to assemble one during my first code! How stressful and humiliating although I think I saw someone else do itor just figured it out. No one seemed to notice! But made me think they should really teach this simple task BEFORE a life or death situation. I don't have epi lying around at home haha
But yeah as mentioned, just pop the caps and screw them together.
235 Posts
Another helpful tip: Open the boxes from the bottom and both pieces will slide out. At first, I opened boxes from the top and had to rip the box apart trying to get both pieces out fast. I'm not sure why the boxes are designed this way because it is counter intuitive to open from the bottom.
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
Grasp the two containers one in each hand. You flip off the yellow caps with your thumbs. Remove the yellow needless cap. You screw/twist in the glass syringe (with the threaded blue piece) on to the plastic one securely. an assembled picture is here....
Hold syringe tip up and remove the air pocket. You can remove the green needless tip for needle administration. inject as you would any other plunger syringe
Haha this! I fought with these boxes so many times!
sissiesmama, ASN, RN
1,898 Posts
Me too!!! :)