Pubic hair

Nurses General Nursing


My female patient wants me to shave her pubic hair, she cant do it herself she only has limited movement of one arm . Should I do it? (I would rather not) any advice? Update-this is a LTC Vent patient who is not going home. Believe it or not this isn't the first patient that asked me to do this I had another patient with ALS ask me to trim hers with an electric razor because she said the hair gets caught in her underwear and pulls. I had got "pulled" to her unit and she asked me to do it -had her own electric razor-so me like a fool assuming the nurses were doing it for her went ahead and did it then i found out that only a few people would do it for her. What do I look like? the personal pube trimmer? also she was a real pain in the butt about how it was trimmed, I dont want to relive that nightmare!

Specializes in ICU, Education.

All right.... I think it should be more than a little weird for a family member as well as the health care professional. Who would it NOT be weird for?? A cosmatician. Call in the Spa team!! She can ask for the "Tele Sivalis" (from "the break up"...hilarious). Seriously though, that would be my reccomendation to the patient, "i don't do that, but there are several spas that do for a nominal charge".

Specializes in pure and simple psych.

Unless she is having surgery, there is no way, respectfully, no way ever, that that is in my job description.:rotfl:

Specializes in aged -adolescent.

I think Fergus51 has a point. There must be mobile beauticians or similar services out there. Personally I wouldn't be too willing, think it's a bit too close and personal.

HA! That just happened to a co-worker at our LTC facility! She is an aide, and was HORRIFIED by this daughter's request--she said absolutley NOT! It is kinda weird, I wouldn't want to do it either...and I used to be an esthetician!

This may be partially decided by the setting. In home care it is not at all unusual for a patient to make such a request. As long as the patient is not on blood thinners or has any other contraindicator to shaving, I will comply with the request.

Exactly what I would say. And then if I had the time , and it didn't seem fishy (REALLY no pun intended there) I would do it. I try to make my patients happy, within reason.

I'd look at the patient and the reason for the request. If it's a young thing with no use of her arms and she's complaining that the hair pulls and hurts against bandages, casts, catheter, or what have you, then I'd consider it to improve her comfort. She'd have to wait until I got the time, though.

If it's a vain person who's a little kinky, then forget it. Not my job!

(on edit: I'd warn the first one about the nubs, though)

That ranks right up with the patient that wanted her tampon changed!


That ranks right up with the patient that wanted her tampon changed!


Ewww! Even I draw the line on that one. Peripads are what you get- and that's it.


Yikes was an understatement

Specializes in neonatal.

Reminds me of the first bath i gave in clinicals. The woman was enjoying the gentle massage i gave on her shoulders - after i move to her abdomen she did this moan thing and asked me to rub a little lower.

As for shaving - just fyi - magic does wonders, but that is a private hygiene matter. i would be mortified to request anyone else to do it for me. That is not just weird to me - that is kinky.

Specializes in neonatal.
That ranks right up with the patient that wanted her tampon changed!


And people ask me how in the world can i take care of babies and not adults.

Oh my!

Specializes in Education, Acute, Med/Surg, Tele, etc.

I can understand the discomfort one has when that hair grows back, but sheesh!

We have these horrid cheep razors at work, and they nick and scratch (and they have to be ordered too...not on the floor anymore). I would basically explain that, and that I don't do pubic hair removal...and that even if it is done it is done for medical reason like C-sections and Surgeries.

It is like I keep telling pts, this isn't a hotel or spa folks!

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