Psychiatric issues

Nurses Criminal


My hx is a mess! 3 dui's 10+yrs ago, forged rx of the dr. I worked for 13yrs ago. License revoked. Past psych hx of suicide attempt 5yrd ago. Dx- maj depression/substance abuse. Sought psychotherapy, have been clean almost 3yrs now. Antidepressant medications working very well, along with weekly psychoanalysis.

I miss nursing so badly. I am a caretaker with no patients! I never realized how our profession was perfect for me. Now I'm older, a little wiser, and exceedingly grateful that I had the privilege of being a nurse. I want my license back very badly. My life is great otherwise, the days are appreciated and go by smoothly. Recovery is awesome.

Is there hope for a 50yr old former nurse?

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

With three DUIs, forged prescription conviction and a history of psychiatric issues with substance abuse, I suspect this would be a very tall hill for you to climb.

I wish I could send you hope. It really depends on what state you are in. 3 DUIs might not be in your favor in any state. Best of luck.

Talk to your BON, if you haven't already. Their opinion is the only one that matters. Best wishes!

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.

You need to contact your state BON to see what you could do to get your license back. Based on your history, it looks like it will be tough. But you won't know until you try.

I would also consider getting an attorney, especially one versed in legal matters, to help you do this. It won't guarantee that you will be licensed, but it could improve your odds.

Best of luck!

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