Published Nov 23, 2004
12 Posts
Hi fellow Psych Nurses! Looking for your input. To find some decent continuing Education for Psych Nurses (Certification). Prefer online or home study. Conferences are too expensive and inconvenient although I've heard of Cruises for Credit which may be an option when I want a vacation or even some courses in the Caribbean Ha! :). I've done some Internet searching and found a few online courses here and there some overpriced some decent. For certification I think 51% have to be from a ANCC accredited provider . Thanks in advance for your input.
1 Post
I've used Promedica Reasearch Center materials for CE. they're not bad. email: [email protected] They will send you free materials. You only have to pay if you want a certificate. I've also posted CE articles online, but alas, I can't plug my own stuff!
akcarmean, LPN
1,554 Posts
Good luck
Da Monk
78 Posts
I have found the CEU offerings on Medscape Nursing to be good. I guess there is always the question of the CEU's being accepted, but the material is current and you can print out a certificate. And it's free. They offer material in just about all nursing sub-specialties.
Thanks for info I'll check it out and post others after I review. One quick note
to warn others though. A company called or is advertising they are ANCC accredited. I checked with the ANCC and they are neither accredited through them or through any other organization the ANCC accepts. They continue to advertise this on their website and have been reported to the FTC and other but some how they rermain. I was registered with them and found I was double billed one year along with other nurses. They will send you constant emails about new courses even way after you cancel your membership. They are tempting in that they have material you read online and test afterwards and then print out a certificate. You can get 50% of your contact hours from non accredited providers but I won't do business with them anymore. They never answer emails either. The ANCC has a warning about them on their website along with a listing of accredited approvers/providers.
140 Posts
thanks for info i'll check it out and post others after i review. one quick noteto warn others though. a company called or is advertising they are ancc accredited. i checked with the ancc and they are neither accredited through them or through any other organization the ancc accepts. they continue to advertise this on their website and have been reported to the ftc and other but some how they rermain. i was registered with them and found i was double billed one year along with other nurses. they will send you constant emails about new courses even way after you cancel your membership. they are tempting in that they have material you read online and test afterwards and then print out a certificate. you can get 50% of your contact hours from non accredited providers but i won't do business with them anymore. they never answer emails either. the ancc has a warning about them on their website along with a listing of accredited approvers/providers.
to warn others though. a company called or is advertising they are ancc accredited. i checked with the ancc and they are neither accredited through them or through any other organization the ancc accepts. they continue to advertise this on their website and have been reported to the ftc and other but some how they rermain. i was registered with them and found i was double billed one year along with other nurses. they will send you constant emails about new courses even way after you cancel your membership. they are tempting in that they have material you read online and test afterwards and then print out a certificate. you can get 50% of your contact hours from non accredited providers but i won't do business with them anymore. they never answer emails either. the ancc has a warning about them on their website along with a listing of accredited approvers/providers.
11 Posts
Try Look for the free 4 hour continuing education events around the country...along with the free teleconferences...both for free continuing education units.
4 Posts
I am also a fellow Psych Nurse. I am coming up for recertification and have used Medscape. I have been happy with the material they offered and it is free. They advertise as being accepted by the ANCC and I have found no evidence that they aren't. I also use myfreece CE/ Week but you have to pay them. It wasn't much and they also say they are accepted by the ANCC. If you have any information that these two arent accepted please let me know. Also if you know of any other free ceu sites please let me know.