Published Mar 29, 2005
27 Posts
Is it true that i can work as a PSW after only 1 year of nursing school?
8,343 Posts
Depends upon which province you are in. I've seen first year students work as nursing assistants, usually PSW, PCA or CNA's have a vocational school education and a certificate to qualify them.
Check with your nursing instructors a lot of info can be gleaned from them or contact a local nursing home. (Not that many NA's in acute care)
loriangel14, RN
6,933 Posts
The nursing homes in my area will hire people to work as aides with no experience at all. My sister-in-law worked in a factory for years and then got hired to work in one. I started homecare with no qualifications as well ( scary when you think about it ).
55 Posts
I recently went to a RPN information session at the college and they said you can be hired on a a PSW after your first year of study. But, they also said it is not a good idea to work and go to school at the same time 'cause the course is very heavy and to work and try to keep your grades up and do your clinical they said the students found they were very stressed out.
By the way (I probably sound stupid) what's a NA?
28 Posts
i'm guessing that NA = nursing assistant
2 Posts
Does the nursing home accept male caregivers = Personal Support Worker as well? thanks. I'm planning to go to Canada. Im currently working as caregiver in Taiwan. Please give advise. Thanks again.
This an old thread and things have changed where I am. Most employers are requiring employees to have graduated from an accredited PSW program now. Males and females are welcome.
NotReady4PrimeTime, RN
5 Articles; 7,358 Posts
You might find it rather difficult to get your LMO and TWP to come to Canada as a support worker. I don't think they're on the short list.