Pros/Cons of a Western Governors degree

Nursing Students Western Governors

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Can anyone tell me the pro/cons of a Western Governors degree. I've heard conflicting views and don't know what to believe.

The statistics should transfer over for you based on the information they give out. I have no idea about the Assessment course, I can only tell you that most I see posting are taking it. And the Gen Eds will transfer where they apply. Have you looked at the transfer evaluation guidelines to see what might be filled by the classes you have taken in the past?

I did, thank you. I'm now wondering if my chem may transfer too since it was a combo of general and physiological chem (which is biochem)with a lab....fingers crossed on this one!

where can I find the transfer evaluation guidelines?

2btrauma, I emailed a copy of the course descriptions with my classes where I could. The chemistry I took specifically said it included biochemistry, so I am hoping that I get credit for it too. But not holding my breath.

schnookimz- I am not sure where to find it online. It was emailed to me by my EC in one of the very first emails that was sent to me.

schnookimz I have the transfer evaluation guide that I got from my Pre-Licensing Enrollment counselor.

I can email it to you. Shoot me an email to [email protected] and I will send it to you.

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