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All Content by MG322

  1. UTA FALL 2017-On campus Bsn program

    Applied only to on-campus, got waitlisted: Science: 3.33 Overall: 3.83 Considerations: 1
  2. UTA FALL 2017-On campus Bsn program

    What did it look like? I've received nothing from the program so far, and to be honest I'm getting nervous. Only a few more weeks!
  3. UTA FALL 2017-On campus Bsn program

    Your stats are definitely competitive. They say 3.5 is competitive. I'm worried about my science GPA O_O A&P labs did not help me out.
  4. UTA FALL 2017-On campus Bsn program

    Mine: 3.3 Science 3.83 Overall 1 consideration unless the honors is still being considered, which will give me 2
  5. UTA FALL 2017-On campus Bsn program

    I'll be applying as soon as I take my HESI (taking it in the morning)! What is everyone's GPA/science GPA heading in? Do you have any considerations? I've found it's been helpful to go over accepted GPAs from previous semesters so maybe we can help f...