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About berkemeier

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  1. CRNA After Discipline

    Care to elaborate?
  2. CRNA After Discipline

    Thank you for the advice!
  3. CRNA After Discipline

    Wow, that is a high percentage. I don't have a substance abuse issue thankfully. It was a mistake I made accidentally and I didn't handle it properly but I can still see how it will be a red flag.
  4. CRNA After Discipline

    Thanks, I appreciate the advice!
  5. CRNA After Discipline

    Thanks, I sure hope so. Just don't want to waste time working toward something that may never happen, ya know? I think I may need to talk to some admissions counselors at different schools and see what they say as well.
  6. CRNA After Discipline

    Hello all, First time posting on this site. I am currently working as an RN with disciplinary action on my license. I am on probation and am not allowed to handle narcotics for 4 months. I want to work toward becoming a CRNA eventually. I am bas...