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About dreamnursing2

dreamnursing2 has 1 years experience.

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  1. ATI med-surg proctored exam

    for those who took the med-surg ati proctored exam. how did you study for it? our program makes us take these proctored exams every semester which is worth 8% of our overall grades and I seem to not...
  2. Evergreen Valley College Nursing Fall 2018

    Hi Jessfxo ? this is your soul sister. clearly im bored
  3. I have no idea if they have raised tuition or not. Good luck to those starting in only 2
  4. did you get the class list to register for? they normally send an email with
  5. no ATI books are separate. you need the bundle list plus ATI bundle which is about $800 I
  6. yes, its very necessary. its
  7. EVC FALL 2019

    its manageable as long as you put enough effort into it. lots of time management and critical
  8. EVC FALL 2019

    Good luck to you and the rest! Im in the first semester :) how does the point system work? I was granted via lottery. this is the first year they did the point
  9. Fundamentals

    Hello, Any tips on how to study for fundamentals? We use potter and perry book and the reading lists is enormous!! Any other study alternatives anyone here can recommend? I have the saunders NCLEX...


    Hello, I have been searching for some student feedback in regards to Nrsing Academy program. has anyone here tried it? is it worth it? Im starting my first semester in two weeks and was referred to...
  12. Less competitive schools in CA?

    Most all CA programs have mostly transitioned into a point system meaning your Science GPA plays a big role. My program requires science GPA to be at least 2.75 you can check on BON website for list...
  13. TEAS VI - failed :(

    no the scores remain on your record under ATI. The usual remediation is 1 year to prep to re take the test. I was not allowed to re take the test until I was done with my remediation plan which was...

    Thank you so much everyone for all your kind words and encouragement. I will do as everyone advised. I am pretty excited and believe I can do this !! God bless you
  15. TEAS VI - failed :(

    honestly the only thing that boosted my score was the smart prep by ATI. its an online module directly through ATI. Its pricy but my program paid for it. Its a good investment if you're really...