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About egriffin

egriffin specializes in Med-Surg.

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  1. Italian nurses

    babyj9396 Please PM me when you get a chance. I hold dual US and Italian citizenship. I have been thinking about doing some travel nursing to Italy once my current commitment is up in a little over a...
  2. I will be attending Texas Women's University in Houston come January. I am looking forward to the Advising/Orientation session on Dec. 9th. Let's celebrate!:balloons: :yelclap: :cheers:...
  3. Any TWU Spring 2006 applicants??

    I'll be going to Houston. When I'm there for the Net test next week I'll start looking for someplace to live for the spring semester. -redefinition- I see you're at Houston, is there any place on...
  4. Help me make a tough decision re:TWU

    Thanks Everyone for all your comments. I have decided to go to TWU-Houston. I'll be letting Dallas know in the next day or so. Next up- finding someplace to live. If you are in the Med center area...
  5. I Quit!!

    Congrats on the decision to quit! The American Cancer Society has a lot of resources that can help you out. Quitline- phone counseling for smoking cessation - available in states that don't have...
  6. I have a really tough decision to make and I'm hoping y'all can help. I have been lurking for a while, and finally got up the nerve to register and post. I was lucky enough to be accepted by both the...
  7. Any TWU Spring 2006 applicants??

    I'm in Austin TX and I recieved my Acceptance Letters last Thursday and Fri. :balloons: Now to decide which