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About guest998179

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  1. Did I handle this alright?

  2. Is this a HIPAA issue?

    As a support staffer, I'm part of a team that takes turns working in shifts at our healthcare facility. Our team is alerted to special situations (like emergencies, codes, etc) in which our support...
  3. Dealing With Well-Meaning But Nosy Fellow Employees

    Yes, of course, you're right. I felt awkward in being asked the question, and I felt more awkward in answering it (and thus, my concern). I'd agree that suggesting prayer is a highly personal thing,...
  4. Dealing With Well-Meaning But Nosy Fellow Employees

    I appreciate this, and like your approach of answering in general terms. Do you think this would be true for, say, the staffer who regularly cleans a particular unit? Seems that because of the time...
  5. I'm a support staffer at a healthcare facility. Recently, during a critical situation, there were a lot of staff in one particular area, some working with that critical patient situation, and some NOT...
  6. Question on confidentiality and HIPAA

    Thank you so much for this. I felt better after thinking on it awhile, and your insight
  7. I'm an employee in a healthcare facility. Recently a patient asked me a question about their care plan. I knew about the plan and what it might mean for this patient's life, but didn't feel that I was...
  8. Privacy Issue: Would Appreciate Your Input!

    Exactly! Thank you
  9. Privacy Issue: Would Appreciate Your Input!

    thanks, I was wondering if my being with the family member (as a supportive staff member) while they spoke, and my listening and reflecting with them on the situation about the patient (while those...
  10. I work as a support staff (not a nurse) in a medical facility. Recently, I was offering supportive listening to a family member of a patient who was quite upset about their loved one's situation. The...
  11. Not Exactly HIPAA, But Worried I Said Too Much

    Thank you for responding! I appreciate your
  12. Not Exactly HIPAA, But Worried I Said Too Much

    Thank you so much. I have my own (usually irrational) fears about HIPAA :). Thanks for your kind reply and
  13. Not Exactly HIPAA, But Worried I Said Too Much

    I appreciate that. I'm not a nurse, but I am someone with regular patient contact and so I sometimes look to you nurses for feedback regarding things like this. Thank you
  14. Recently some non-healthcare worker friends told me they feel as if there has been "a lot of irrational fear" about COVID. As someone who works in healthcare and has seen SO much death and sorrow from...
  15. reading obituaries and HIPAA?

    While reading the posted, public obituaries, I saw a last name on one obit that got my interest. The (last) name rang a bell both because of a former patient's connection to it (which their family...