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All Content by weatherman1214

  1. UT Arlington ABSN Online Program Spring 2018

    Hi Adelam! You say say that you just finished Intro to Nursing? I'm starting that class in the eight week version next month. Any advice/tips?
  2. UT Arlington ABSN Online Program Spring 2018

    We should be in the Intro to Nursing together. Finishing Technical Writing right now.
  3. UT Arlington ABSN Online Program Spring 2018

    Good evening, Linda, please add me to the group. My email is [email protected]. I look forward to catching up on here regularly. Currently I'm at UT Arlington taking pre-reqs. I'm currently in Technical Writing (ends next week) and I'm...
  4. UT-Arlington BSN program

    I work at JPS and they don't require a contract either. No pressure to stay afterwards, either.
  5. If your dream is TCU and you have a means to pay for it (other than crushing debt), then go for it! If not, I'll let you in on something. I spoke with two instructors at the TCU nursing program regarding their program. I thought TCU was the best i...
  6. Grades not good but want to persue a career in nursing

    Have you looked into anything online? WGU or UT Arlington?
  7. Need Advice ASAP: Baylor Dallas or Presby Plano?

    Benefits always count for a lot in this consideration. What's the total package? Yes one or the other pays well but how much will you be paying for health insurance and the various other benefits? I know some hospitals pay really well but their peop...