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All Content by sasparilla

  1. New Graduates In The Icu?

    I went from straight out of school to the MICU at our hospital, had a 12 week orientation plus a year of critical care class and have spent the last year working nights. I wouldn't have traded that experience for anything. It's what you make of it....
  2. New Graduates In The Icu?

    I went from straight out of school to the MICU at our hospital, had a 12 week orientation plus a year of critical care class and have spent the last year working nights. I wouldn't have traded that experience for anything. It's what you make of it....
  3. Anyone else studying for CCRN exam?

    For those who've taken the CCRN exam, what books, study guides or review courses best helped in passing? I've been an RN for 10 months (not long I know) and while I've learned a lot so far, I realize how much more I still have to learn. I've been w...
  4. Anyone else studying for CCRN exam?

    For those who've taken the CCRN exam, what books, study guides or review courses best helped in passing? I've been an RN for 10 months (not long I know) and while I've learned a lot so far, I realize how much more I still have to learn. I've been w...
  5. I just wanted to get opinions on a practice I recently became aware of in my city. It seems that one nursing school provides to any nurse who agrees to be a preceptor to any of their students who are hired as GN's a palm pilot, a laptop computer and...
  6. student provided incentives to preceptors?

    Actually, the money for these goodies is built into the student's tuition, so the students are the one's paying for it. I wonder if anyone of them would have rather have kept the money and had to add even more to their student loans?
  7. Are You Being Bullied in the Classroom

    Look up on the internet "horizontal violence". We had a guest lecturer come to talk about this just a few days ago. It happens in all fields, and nursing is one of them. It's sad that it's already happening while still in nursing school. These sa...
  8. does walking off the job = abandonment?

    If those nurses were at the end of their shift, weren't there already other nurses present to take over for the next shift? Did they leave before anyone else showed up or were they being forced to work beyond their scheduled shift? There's got to ...
  9. Is their really a nursing shortage?

    Oops, double post!
  10. Is their really a nursing shortage?

    Having higher pass rates while in nursing school helps ensure that those that take the NCLEX will be more likely to pass it. A good pass rate for a nursing school brings in students. Our RN nursing school has much higher NCLEX passing rates than th...
  11. what kind of patients go to MICU?

    Thanks for the replies, I appreciate the info. I interviewed for and got the job in MICU to start after I graduate and am looking forward to being in there. I'm excited!
  12. what kind of patients go to MICU?

    Hi, I'm a nursing student in my last semester who is really interested in working in either MICU or SICU. Luckily, our hospitals here will hire new GN's and train us. I've had one rotation in MICU, loved it but don't feel like I really know what ty...
  13. Why nursing is going downhill fast...

    Hmmm, will any of these advanced degrees include an increase in salary? If I'm going to have to go to school longer and spend a lot more money doing it, I'd better make more money so I can pay back my student loans.
  14. Name hospital and salary--everywhere

    West Texas, $19.25 base pay with night and weekend differentials as an RN. Not sure what the diff's are as I haven't started working yet. Plus I'll get a $5000 sign on bonus. Looking at others salaries, it's really not bad considering our cost of...
  15. Why do so many of you hate working med/surg?

    I've been struggling with where to work as well. I graduate in May and have never liked my med-surg rotations. I run around all day and when its time to go home, I can't even remember what it was I did. I agree with those that mentioned feeling li...
  16. Where do YOU go to school?

    I'm 42, go to school at Covenant School of Nursing in Lubbock, Texas. It's an diploma program so I will have my RN when I graduate in June of this year. Yay! I already had most of the prereq's when I first thought about applying so I only had to take...
  17. I'm so excited and incredibly nervous, I have an interview for a Nurse Tech position in NICU tomorrow that hopefully will lead to a GN spot when I graduate with an RN in June. The competition is fierce, approx. 15 people applying for just a few spots...
  18. Does your hospital have an RN "uniform"?

    I work at a large county teaching hospital and each discipline wears a different color. RN's wear royal blue. It makes it easy to know who you are talking to though it gets boring wearing the same thing day in and day out. Sometimes I hanker for a...
  19. best area to transition from?

    Hi everyone, I will be graduating with an RN in June and intend to work in the city I live in for a year after I graduate, to give my oldest son a chance to finish his senior year. Then I want to move away somewhere ( not sure where yet) . What I ...
  20. The Cold Hard Facts?

    I agree with Disney, at what point do we stop providing care when the person is obviously not going to get any better? I'm only a nursing student right now, but I see thousands upon thousands of dollars spent on people who are at the end of their li...
  21. Hi, I'm in my last year of nursing school, due to graduate next May (if all goes well, of course) and am wanting to get everyone's opinions on whether y'all think its a good idea to get a nurse tech job this year? The way I figure it, if I can get ...
  22. will working as a nurse tech help for future job?

    Thanks for your thoughts. I have been leaning in the direction of going ahead and getting a job, but like I said I was reluctant to because of my children. I'm hoping that I can get a flexible job where I don't necessarily have to work a whole shift...
  23. how many (nursing students) are sick?

    Oh my gosh, me too! I was just at the doctor's this afternoon for a pinched nerve in my shoulder that is being caused by tension. It is pressing down so tight that my whole left arm ache's and tingles when I am severely stressed. Which now with cl...
  24. Nursing in Salt Lake City as a non-LDS??

    It's great to hear about SLC. I'll be going there over spring break for a visit and have been contemplating relocating there myself, so I'm eager to take a look around at what jobs are available, salaries, etc. Plus the pictures I've seen are beaut...
  25. Care mapping websites?

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew of any websites to help with care mapping? We are starting those this semester and I wondered if there might be some good info to help get me started. I'm a bit nervous about these because I think I'm better at wr...