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About meri29

OB Nurse

Latest Activity

  1. The Things Patients Say & Think....Oh My!

    I had my OB pt tell me recently that she was allergic to glucose. She said that she had thrown up the drink the gave her for her GTT, and that I was to be very careful if I gave her any glucose. I...
  2. My hospital does not allow elective c/s for gestational
  3. Cervidil placement

    We place them at my hospital. We also all place FSE's. Most of us also do IUPCs, but you have to be checked off on that first (I haven't yet). Anyway, with Cervidil, it's supposed to be placed behind...
  4. I am about 9 months into my first job as a New Grad OB Nurse. Just know that your first year in nursing will be tough - no matter what area you go into. OB is a difficult area to start out in because...
  5. I have the exact same problem. I've been doing night-shift since June, and cannot sleep on my nights off. It has nothing to do with work stress and everything to do with my internal clock being off. I...
  6. Do you get extra work cause your bilingual?

    I think the hospitals should provide more QUALIFIED interpreters (human ones - not language line) whose only job is to interpret. My learning a little medical spanish does not qualify me to admit a pt...
  7. Opinions about night shift and personal health

    My bio-clock is not responding to nites. I'm currently working three 12's a week, and my sleep patterns are all over the place. I need Ambien to help me sleep on my nites off. Then, I find that I'm...
  8. Question about your rooms..

    I work for one the largest L&D facilities in the country. We stabilize babies in the room and use re-sus team for our more difficult babies. The family is more calm knowing than not knowing. Also,...
  9. New grad hospitals in ATL(surrounding area)

    They all hire new grads. The new grad programs are listed under residencies, internships, etc. If you want a specialty, I suggest you apply
  10. OB rotation

    It depends on where you live. I'm a new grad nurse at one the the busiest L&D units in the country. We are expected to manage two active labor patients once we're off orientation. However, we...
  11. Accepted to Georgia Baptist Fall2007

    Mercer is a GREAT program. It's half the price of Emory, do-able in 2.5 years, VERY well respected (vast majority of new grads are hired straight into specialties), and financial aid is available -...
  12. ob interview-but here's my problem

    It depends on the OB floor. If you are interviewing for an L&D unit that is separate from postpartum, then there should be no issue as consents and treatments are managed in pp. If, however, it is...
  13. Anyone take Kaplan?

    I wouldn't worry too much khirbz. Prior to NCLEX, I probably did about 3000 questions between Saunders, the NSNA Review CD, and some Kaplan books. I did not take Kaplan's actual course. Even at the...
  14. NCLEX pass rates for georgia colleges

    You can go to the Secretary of State's website to see the 2005 pass rates. I doubt the 2006 ones are up
  15. What age were you when you went to nursing school?

    Have a previous degree (& had fun getting it). Started NS at 23. Finished this month at 25 with my