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All Content by antimafia

  1. lol the fact i DELETED it and YOU chose to respond... definitely shows the type of person i am. thanks, for noticing. i'm glad volunteering has worked for so many of the posters above me and those who've not posted about it. there are a hand full ...
  2. patients are in pain. they "tell you" they itch when they receive pain medication. they also say, whatever they are receiving isn't providing relief. they want the "for breakthrough pain" medication too. for example, 1mg dilaudid IV, 25mg benadry...
  3. i'm not going to have a discussion with anybody on here who believes because we have a disagreement, i am automatically incorrect. and i love the fact you decided to respond to it. shows character. all i have to say is, i am in probably 1 of the...
  4. i volunteered and landed a job right after i graduated . i live in california, also. the market is vast here. before you consider becoming a CNA/MA, take a look at their scope of practice. this is probably 1% of what RNs do. careful of the advice...
  5. I am not proud of my track record.

    1) no comment 2) never rely on change of shift report. read your orders. i made this mistake, luckily, my patient wasn't harmed. 3) you'd be surprised at how many nurses chart upon duties they never completed. new nurses AND veterans. 4) no comment...
  6. Define: Nurses Eating Their Young

    this is an awesome video:
  7. Why do I feel like an outsider?

    i wish not understanding the language was my only issue. -the assignments are NEVER distributed evenly. even if it causes safety concerns for others. THEY get all the walking/talking easy patients. -they cover each other when they make mistakes. ...