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All Content by AvidAdvocate

  1. Johns Hopkins New Grad Nurse Residency

    Hey Brian, I just got hired onto the Neuroscience Unit in the Zayed building at JHH. I'm also relocating from California. I won't start until April, but I'll be sure to fill you in on any relocation information I find as I start my transition.
  2. Hello there allnurses! I just had a question for some of you experienced RNs out there. I have several interviews for new grad residences coming up before I graduate (this December!); and I know that you are commonly asked to cite an experience in a...
  3. interviewer asked about religion - what would you say?

    Wow! I would only expect that to happen in Utah, but I suppose it can happen anywhere. I'm worried about these questions coming up in interviews too. Did you end up getting that job? Sincerely, Never-mormon who spent half of her childhood in the Sal...
  4. Do You Have To Be Religious/Spiritual to be a good Nurse?

    This is so lovely. I'm a lifelong atheist too, about to graduate nursing school, and I am not very open about my beliefs to my classmates and definitely not to co-workers. I love the spring-boarding answer, as I am hoping to work in a pediatric ICU, ...
  5. New Grad Interview - Med Error Learning Experience

    Thanks alot RubyVee! That was some well thought out feedback and I appreciate you taking the time to respond (I know I posted a novel, I think I'll edit it down a bit). What you said about checking your own pulse first...that rings so true. The seco...