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About Phil-on-a-bike

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  1. Payrise - well, not really

    Interesting post-script to this: our local Unison branch have distributed flyers to all departments 'clarifying' the figures. The text of the flyer says that they're doing this in response to the...
  2. Life in UK

    UK problems: 1: Country House murders. The NHS is stretched to breaking point by a constant stream of Dowager Duchesses who've fallen victim to cyanide or antique Kashmiri blowpipe darts during garden...
  3. How long have you been a nurse

    30 years as a British 'RGN' come September, and 24 years (I think!) since I took my US NCLEX. I intend to die in harness. Or have my consciousness uploaded into a robonurse. Either's
  4. Things Patients Have Taught Me NOT To Do

    Never, ever.... do the housework naked. Because I saw so many patients in Accident and Emergency... with so many foreign objects in their orifices... ...and almost all of their stories began with the...
  5. Cartoon Caption Contest WIN $250! Nurses Week 2018

    The day was saved by swift administration of a Triple-H enema. Five minutes later, Mr Jenkins was far too scared to
  6. My Colonoscopy

    [ATTACH=CONFIG]26398[/ATTACH] You're upholding a proud tradition,
  7. March 2018 Caption Contest - Select $100 Winner!

    What were you expecting when you opened the door marked "Corporate Planning and
  8. Specialty Poll for male nurses

    I'm a double-"other"! Full-time clinical research - which isn't one of the named options - in the field of Haematology - which also isn't one of the options. You can't pigeonhole
  9. Are you discerning with your "likes"?

    Confession time: I'm not a habitual frequenter of fora in general, and - despite the ease of AN's layout - it took me a while to realise what the whole 'like' business was about. And by that time......
  10. January 2018 Caption Contest - Select $100 Winner!

    "Someone called for a 'Lab'
  11. Avoid the UK

    It was unjustified and unnecessary because... and this is not rocket science... those nurses who wanted to pursue an academic path already had access to further development. There were already...
  12. Avoid the UK

    Duly noted - I hunched over the keyboard well into the evening on Wednesday writing an Individual Submission to the Committee. Seven points: * 2015 NHS pension changes (from 'highest salary' to...
  13. Permanent contract or full time bank nurse?

    Hi Rosmbre, The voice of experience here: I did this for eight years, and I loved it. BUT: there are a couple of points you might want to bear in mind. First, your reluctance to join an agency....
  14. Gender neutral bicycle!

    There was a running joke amongst my friends and I, when we were about 12 or so. It would start with: "I saw you on your bike the other day...." "Oh aye?" "Aye. It's got nae crossbar." OR: "It's got...
  15. Charlie Gard

    Horrifying slow-motion train-wreck of a case, with no upside whatsoever. Random thoughts, in no particular order: The expert opinion of top clinicians at one of the leading children's hospitals on the...