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About kadeedid

kadeedid specializes in Med-Surg.

Latest Activity

  1. Future relocation to AZ

    Dignity Health Mercy Gilbert is 198 beds Mountain Vista in East Mesa is 178
  2. Future relocation to AZ

    HonorHealth Thompson Peak is only 120 beds. It's in north Scottsdale off the 101 freeway and Scottsdale
  3. Banner New Grad Experience

    Thanks for that info! One of the new grads in my cohort at HonorHealth was in OR but had previous OR tech experience, I think. I'm still in my first year and considering applying to Banner New Grad...
  4. Moving to PHX, Hospitals/Recommendations/Tips

    One of my classmates had been a volunteer and then a tech there while in school, but the other two had zero healthcare
  5. Banner New Grad Experience

    Have you heard of anyone being able to go into surgery as a new
  6. Moving to PHX, Hospitals/Recommendations/Tips

    Phoenix Children's has new grad positions open right now :) Keep checking back after you graduate in the spring. Some of my classmates were hired there as new grads early this year Open Postion -...
  7. Mayo Clinic New Grad Oct 2017

    It looks like it opened yesterday on the 17th :) Hope you get
  8. So, no group work since everyone's on their own schedule? Do you still have to post to ongoing discussion boards? And how does the capstone course work for this program? Thanks for any additional...
  9. Honor Health New Grad Orientation

    Congrats and good luck in your interview! I can't remember what department she said, but it was at
  10. Honor Health New Grad Orientation

    Apply to any new grad RN position posted and you're included in the next cohort after your hire date. The new grad postings seem to come and go quickly so check every day or every other day at least,...
  11. CEP - Immunizations?

    When I started, it was way more expensive to go through Walgreens or CVS. I used requestatest.com and went to a draw site near my house. They're currently running a special for $139 using LabCorp or...
  12. Honor Health New Grad Orientation

    I did all my clinicals but peds at HonorHealth locations. I ended up applying to a med-surg tele floor where I had a good experience but in my RN residency classes I'm with new grads who got hired...
  13. Honor Health New Grad Orientation

    I'm in HonorHealth's RN Residency Program now for new grads :) It includes two half days of initial clinical orientation (along with two half days plus another full day of EMR training) at the NSSC...
  14. New Grad Programs, Southwest US

    Mayo's Nurse Residency Program (Arizona) will open it's application period in mid-March for a July start. Their program has an excellent reputation and the pay listed on the last cycle was $30 plus...
  15. Is anyone willing to share how quickly their license posted to the Arizona Board of Nursing website after NCLEX? A coworker tested on a Saturday and her RN license posted on Tuesday. I'm scheduled on...