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All Content by TuesdaysChild

  1. TuesdaysChild

    Disposable gloves for disfigured hands NEEDED

    Smoothe! We were all over-thinking it. *tips hat*
  2. TuesdaysChild

    Completing pre-requisites online

    I'm currently taking Chem online. I would say keep in mind it depends on how comfortable you are doing labs at home. If the class has a wet lab component, which both chem and A&P do, you will be required to complete those labs. So far my at-ho...
  3. TuesdaysChild

    Social Class and Nursing

    The Dictionary of Occupational Titles and the required competencies for general nursing agrees with you.
  4. TuesdaysChild

    Disposable gloves for disfigured hands NEEDED

    I actually am an inventor with successful patents. I can tell you the problem you're going to run into with this is mass producibility. There has to be a profit margin in order for a company to get in on it, and this doesn't seem to be a very big opp...
  5. TuesdaysChild

    Social Class and Nursing

    I polled in at lower middle, but I have several factors that distinctly belong to most of the classes, so it's hard to put my finger on it. I was born and raised in small town Oklahoma, running barefoot, riding bikes, building treehouses, etc. I al...
  6. TuesdaysChild

    Does prayer help people pass tests, succeed at jobs?

    When I plainly read the New Testament, it's my understanding that Christ said your Father already knows what you need and what you want, so keep your prayers simple: Your will, not mine. Provide what I need to get through this day. Forgive us, help...
  7. TuesdaysChild

    Admissions competition gets us wound up tight!

    Haha, touche! I didn't even realize how wound up I was getting over future admissions opportunities until I practically had a coronary over a perceived F on a test.
  8. TuesdaysChild

    Problem with co-worker - called racist?

    Although it seems uncomfortable, it's probably best to talk to her privately about it. The overwhelming majority of personal interaction conflicts can be avoided by simply communicating or else things are left unsaid and stay weird on the surface wh...
  9. TuesdaysChild

    Conflict with Charge - 6 Month Review

    Color me bewildered, but your boss was alarmed by the information you gave and suggested YOU talk to her? It sounds like they're not too big on leadership around there...
  10. TuesdaysChild

    Why take microbiology?

    I haven't taken micro yet so I can't speak to its utility in nursing (though I rest in the knowledge that nurse education planners know what they're doing), there's still the simple fact that it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and...
  11. TuesdaysChild

    I got paired with the dropout :(

    You have to lay down your terms from the very beginning. Don't wait for them to start slacking and testing your boundaries. Tell them in no uncertain terms where the boundary is. And it doesn't have to sound preemptively accusatory. You can simpl...
  12. TuesdaysChild


    I'm sorry you're having a hard time. A lot of times when reactions come very naturally to us, we are completely oblivious to how they are perceived by others. For instance, when you say "I'm very disappointed and a little hurt...", that is an indic...
  13. TuesdaysChild

    Nursing and Personality

    I think of this pic whenever I hear Type A
  14. TuesdaysChild

    Nursing and Personality

    Even though I think personality theory is interesting, I'm usually the first to point out that the hoards of online MBTI tests out there are pretty inaccurate and I'm not always a fan of the tests themselves. They tend to heavily reflect the biases ...
  15. TuesdaysChild

    October 2016 Caption Contest. Win $100!

    On their way to visit a friend's surprise Halloween baby, three visitors take an unfortunate wrong turn going to L&D.
  16. TuesdaysChild

    Nursing and Personality

    I often find myself acting as an intermediary between INTPs and people they have (intentionally or not) rubbed the wrong way. Personally, I think it's vital to have people on a team that aren't too wrapped up in emotional connections. Emotions often ...
  17. TuesdaysChild

    Progress in classes

    Five weeks into my second year and so far, still 4.0. Strangely enough, at the beginning of this semester I dropped to part time at my work for the first time and yet I've had more problems with work interfering with class than before when I was wor...
  18. TuesdaysChild

    Describing patients by race/ethnicity

    That was my first thought is that it's potential research data. Even aside from statistics, as we learn more about genetics and epigenetics, it could aid in future research on genetic predisposition, etc. Granted, that's only if the categories are ...
  19. TuesdaysChild

    Nursing and Personality

    I have to say, though, of all the types, INTJs will surprise you the most. I highly value their friendship because if they are friends with you, it's because they highly value your friendship as well and are very straightforward about that. It's ha...
  20. TuesdaysChild

    Group Projects

    Group projects. Ugh. So draining! I'm so idealistic and fantasize about inspiring my group to love the project and work together enthusiastically all high-fiving and everything. But no, it plays out just like your scenario. Every time. It ends u...
  21. TuesdaysChild

    One thing i dont understand(at the nurses' station)

    Ooooh, creative problem solving! *wringing hands with gleeeee* I find that it's much more helpful to "think forward" about clashes of this type rather than debate about whether it's rude or not or what people should do or not. Opinions differ and t...
  22. TuesdaysChild

    Should I even be considering nursing? (Asperger's)

    Not to detract you from nursing (although you did say CNA seems like an alternative hell for you and you mentioned engineering), engineering is a great job and always in high demand, at least many areas of the country. I'd say half my friends (one of...
  23. TuesdaysChild

    some feedback on my cover letter please??

    Make it as short as you can... and then cut it in half. Anything else I would add has already been stated. Boom. Done.
  24. TuesdaysChild

    Nursing and Personality

    I would definitely agree with that. I would venture to say SFJ types are probably the most naturally suited to nursing of all the types. ISFJs are generally kind and patient to a fault. My father was an ISFJ and was just the gentlest soul I ever k...
  25. TuesdaysChild

    Nursing and Personality

    Yeah, but keep in mind ENFPs are not dominant feelers. We don't necessarily prefer harmony at the expense of order. More like we prefer to get to the truth in a harmonious fashion. A dominant feeler might be a little different in that order/truth/...