

Case Management, Advanced Illness, Hospi

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About Muzicone

Muzicone has 22 years experience and specializes in Case Management, Advanced Illness, Hospi.

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  1. Edematous parts

    Sometimes add Zaroxyln can decrease the swelling, short term use, heavy
  2. Hospice certification exam

    What is the name of your study guide? I am going to test next time. I have done hopsice going on 5 years now and want the certification. Thank
  3. Zip..Zippo...Nada>>> Tuition reimbursement through
  4. frustrated and overwhelmed

    I so understand! I have been a Hospice nurse for four years and have recently changed companies. Cash cow syndrome drove me to find another employer. I would ask for an LPN to do alternate visits with...
  5. Taking Nclex Rn this week!

    Prayers for all of you that are taking the exam soon! Don´t listen to what others say, relax at least a day or even two before the exam, and be confident. You made it through school. Rememebr all...
  6. Memory of Nursing Books, are they worth it?

    There is also a new pharmacology one.
  7. Memory of Nursing Books, are they worth it?

    I used them to prepare and looked at key subjects that I was having trouble getting in my head. Yes-they help! I passed with 75 questions. They are nice in summarizing a disease onto one page rather...
  8. Taking Nclex Rn this week!

    I passed! Wow..the wait is the hardest thing. And when I left, I felt like I had
  9. I Passed!

    Took Nclex RN on Wednesday and in 24 hours I had a license on AZ BON! Cut off at 75 questions! Thankyou everyone here for your support, Suzanne for your quide and God for carrying me that
  10. Taking Nclex Rn this week!

    Just got back from taking Nclex. Cut off at 75. At this point I have NO idea if I did well or very poorly. The wait is a
  11. Please pray for me as I sit for the Nclex exam. I am scared and am hoping for the best! Thank you for all the support you have given me on this forum as I
  12. I accepted hospice position.

    I also check meds every visit. When I refill a med I write the RX number and name on my nursing
  13. I accepted hospice position.

    I am an LPN and work in Hospice three years now. Very rewarding. My company uses LPNs for visits and get us on a schedule so we see pretty much the same patients all the time. I like that. I also went...
  14. Online Nursing School

    i am a recent grad from rio salado college in tempe, az. (11/05) online school with national accredidation and part of the traditional college network. cheap. not easy but all didactic is done online...
  15. Taking Nclex December 2005

    From what I understand no one ever sees a score. Pearson Vue sends only a PASS?FAIL to the appropriate state board. There is no way to know "your score" on the test. I guess you are either safe or...