Thank you for your reply! I'm sorry if this is late, I didn't realize that there were any responses.
We traveled for years in the past, but always had a tax home. Your info helps a lot! We...
Hello everyone!
I'm hoping for a bit of help! We were thinking of starting to travel nurse again, and we've been calling one or two companies for info, and to see how things are done now. My...
IMO, I'd follow the chain of command with this situation, for your own protection and job security. You never know how people might react when confronted with a sensitive issue like this, plus...
My husband and I are both RN's, so I'm familiar with how his coworkers are mostly female. Taking everything into account, this is a marriage issue. I'm not sure if the above quote means you have no...
I agree with this 100%. In all my years at various hospitals, having an RN license and years of experience determined my pay. ADN and BSN nurses receive/received equal
IMHO, this isn't going to go well for you, BUT, I couldn't live with myself if I didn't report it. There is a difference between a bad report, and no report, and you essentially got no report. I've...
My husband is an RN, and he's been on the receiving end of MANY female RN's giving him backrubs, etc, and it makes him extremely uncomfortable. This doesn't only happen to women. He now makes it...
My husband has been an RN for 22 years, has worked almost every specialty in the hospital (right now he only works critical care units, PACU and the ED), and he's been nagged to be a charge for years....
Congratulations! Was it difficult to find a job? How did you write your resume and get the attention of the hiring manager, if you don't mind me asking? I have a friend in a similar position who...