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All Content by Kteichow

  1. University of Michigan-Flint CRNA 2024

    I haven't heard anything, was wondering the same!
  2. Michigan State (MSU) CRNA 2024

    Got the call today too!! I can't believe it!
  3. Michigan State (MSU) CRNA 2024

    I felt the same! The essay question I felt like I could have done better on. There are some interview questions I could have answered better.
  4. Realistic explanation of CPR

    Hello everyone, this is my first time posting. I do admissions at a subacute rehab facility, and one aspect of my position is getting a code status signed. I see mainly older adult patients and their families; some who want everything done to their 8...
  5. Realistic explanation of CPR

    Thank you everyone for your input! I greatly appreciate it. Sometimes I feel like I'm too blunt when I talk about the effects of CPR and patients and their families will look at me like I have two heads í ½í¹ƒ I blame the media and fancy tv shows for...