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About Kaytrix

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  1. Bad pop out at 150+Q

    Just to update all of u, i just got my letter today saying i
  2. Bad pop out at 150+Q

  3. Bad pop out at 150+Q

    Hello, i finally went grocery shopping last night to distract me. I finally ate a full meal too. I am still dreading for the result, but i hope i find out soon so I can plan whats the next move. I...
  4. Bad pop out at 150+Q

    Hi, i followed the advice of others to actually type in a wrong expiration date. And it will show if its a bad pop out or not. I am really hoping i pass. Ive worked hard in school and been getting...
  5. Bad pop out at 150+Q

    Hello. I just took my nclex-pn this week and i have been crying since i left my exam. It was confusing and difficult. I got a lot of SATA(20+), prioritization and teaching materials. My exam was cut...