Published Aug 25, 2016
5 Posts
Hello. I just took my nclex-pn this week and i have been crying since i left my exam. It was confusing and difficult. I got a lot of SATA(20+), prioritization and teaching materials. My exam was cut off at Q156...
I have been reading the forum here about finding a good sign if i pass or not. I followed the advice of most of you to check PVT after 24 hrs of taking the test. I did check it early evening last night and i got the BAD POP OUT ....
I was able to go on the CC page and input a different expiration date, which was 02/16...The message was "pls enter a valid expiration date"... My tears started flowing again!
Is there anyone here who had the same experience and turned out passing the nclex? I am trying to stay positive but i live in califonia and i know it will take time to see the result...
I would love to hear from anyone...
Extra Pickles
1,403 Posts
Hello. I just took my nclex-pn this week and i have been crying since i left my exam. It was confusing and difficult. I got a lot of SATA(20+), prioritization and teaching materials. My exam was cut off at Q156...I have been reading the forum here about finding a good sign if i pass or not. I followed the advice of most of you to check PVT after 24 hrs of taking the test. I did check it early evening last night and i got the BAD POP OUT .... I was able to go on the CC page and input a different expiration date, which was 02/16...The message was "pls enter a valid expiration date"... My tears started flowing again! Is there anyone here who had the same experience and turned out passing the nclex? I am trying to stay positive but i live in califonia and i know it will take time to see the result...I would love to hear from anyone...
You don't know what you're doing with that pvt trick but you're crying your eyes out? Nothing pops out at you lol. The trick is that if you put in your credit card details along with all the right information and it doesn't charge you, tells you that you are already registered, that you probably passed and if you do all that and it does charge you that you probably failed. why are you making yourself crazy when you didn't even do the thing right to start with?
if you are ok with spending the money on a new test then do the trick, you might get charged or might not but what you're doing now is a waste of time and seems to be making you insane.
59 Posts
Yes you have to put the right information (exp date). If you get charged or it says "Your card is invalid" then that is the bad pop up. It also works if you move funds so you dont have $200 on your debit and try it, it will say "invalid card" as the bad pop up. That is what I did and it worked, bad pop up and i failed. And you will know soon (around 10 days) when you get the letter of failure, if you really did fail.
Keep your spirits up and try to stay distracted until you get a sure result.
Hi, i followed the advice of others to actually type in a wrong expiration date. And it will show if its a bad pop out or not.
I am really hoping i pass. Ive worked hard in school and been getting good grades.
Thank you for your advice. It gives me hope.
Hello, i finally went grocery shopping last night to distract me. I finally ate a full meal too.
I am still dreading for the result, but i hope i find out soon so I can plan whats the next move.
I am hoping and praying i do pass....
When you found out you failed, what are the steps you did to start for a new application and review. I hope you dont mind me asking that.
Thank you.
Hi there,
Just remember if you didn't pass it was because it is not the right time yet for you. That is what gives me peace of mind.
I am studying for Rn so I dont know how different if may be but I used Kaplan mainly on the first attempt. I wasnt improving so I bought UWorld a few weeks before my test and it helped with content. Looking back I should have postponed my test date and continued to finish UWorld because I really need content review, but all my classmates were testing and passing so that gave me hope and i just took the test and failed.
Now I am using the Saunders book and PDA La Charity. Theyre helping and I feel much more confident in content.
Once you get a letter of failure it'll have the directions to re apply. you have to send a form, another $150, and pay Pearson again
Just to update all of u, i just got my letter today saying i passed!
Guess there was no need to worry about failure :)
Congrats, RN!