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All Content by Imnotanurse

  1. Question from non-nurse

    As my screen name states, I am not a nurse. I am coming here hoping to gain some clarity from professionals with inside information. Here is the situation: As the sole caretaker for aging parents (father now deceased), I have many years experience de...
  2. Question from non-nurse

    Maybe salary and workload should have been researched before pursuing a profession that requires six years of school? Not sure those are legit excuses for shirking basic job duties. I don't know...maybe I'm just frustrated and bitter. It's just weird...
  3. Question from non-nurse

    Examples of my interactions w/ SWs over the years: Me:"Are there any nursing homes on this list you gave me that have better reputations than others?" SW: "I don't know." Me: "Are you aware of any nursing homes that care for (fill-in-the-blank-condit...