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All Content by mshooha

  1. I am the manager of a small ER (rural). I welcome new grads, but have found that most of the time the transition from directly from nursing school to ER is difficult. Here are my suggestions: 1. You do no one (other nurses or patients) any favors...
  2. That Good Housekeeping article

    oooh, that just makes me seethe with anger. i too am going to speak my mind to them. i haven't read the article yet, i am almost afraid to. i am already angry enough without reading it.
  3. ER Pet Peeves

    how about the doctors that order only one test at a time, and the non emergent patient ends up being there for hours. the adult neurotic daughter that comes in to speak for daddy because he obviously can't get a word in edgewise people who are allerg...
  4. Cmon Guys

    hello north central kansas here, very small, very busy hospital.