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About the_murse_factor

Recently licensed LPN. Now the journey begins for the transition to RN.

Latest Activity

  1. Passed NCLEX with 69 questions

    Oh hey! My bad! I passed! Florida gives you a license number the next day if you passed. May 4th I start my new grad residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. ?? Also CONGRATS on kicking...
  2. ??
  3. I'll be starting on May 4th right on the infectious disease unit, right in the middle of a pandemic. Yayyyy me! LOL. No but seriously. I'm excited but very nervous. Didn't think I was going to...
  4. Passed NCLEX with 69 questions

    Yea I honestly think its a crap shoot for NCLEX. Every single test is going to be different. For instance I didn't get any endocrine questions at all. Not one. When I took my LPN boards the last...
  5. Passed NCLEX with 69 questions

    Yes all test was canceled because they closed all the testing centers they just recently started opening them back the last week in march but from what I saw when I tried to schedule my test their is...
  6. Passed NCLEX with 69 questions

    They did not provide any mask. They make you go to the bathroom and wash your hands soon as you come in. They provide hand sanitizer. and they wipe the computers down after each use because I saw them...
  7. Passed NCLEX with 69 questions

    I received my ATT on 4/7/20 went to schedule the exam the only date I saw was for 4/8/20. I freaked out but I took it not knowing when the next available date would be. I took it this morning,...

    I'm in Florida and I graduated in December also and had a job offer by February. However I must note that I'm single with no kids and I applied to multiple out of state positions. The job I accepted...
  9. I'm also coming from out of state (Florida) I'm due to start orientation on May 4th. I just took the NCLEX this morning and I'm freaking out. I tried the PVT and got the "good pop up" so I'm REALLY...
  10. I wore business casual to the actual interview and then changed into scrubs for the "shadow time" on the
  11. I interviewed on the infectious disease/pulmonary hypertension unit. My interview was at 10:00am but I had to be at the hospital by 9:30am. I didn't leave until 2:30pm. It's a long day so be...
  12. Hey everyone, After approximately one week after my interview I received a email this morning congratulating me and that I would be receiving a offer letter of employment! Super excited! This has...
  13. Thank you! I applied on 1/12 and received an invite on
  14. Hey everyone! Thought I would jump on this thread. I received a invitation to interview for the infectious disease/pulmonary hypertension unit at Johns Hopkins. Super Stoked. I just graduated in...
  15. Mercy Hospital (Miami) LPN-RN

    Recording the lectures is specific to each professor as you need their permission to record. Some will allow it some will say absolutely not. I rarely used the text. Most professors teach off their...